Chapter Eleven

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A week after the water fight, it was still hot and humid in Germany, making it almost impossible to fall asleep.

Lio was away for a Barcelona game, and I was all alone in this big house. I stared up at the ceiling, where the digital clock reflected the time. 2:00 AM. Everybody's probably sleeping, and here I am, sweating like a fatass pig.

I turned around and closed my eyes, attempting to fall into slumber.

After a few minutes, my eyelids finally began feeling heavy, and just as I was going to finally fall asleep, I heard a rustling sound coming from outside my window. I didn't move as I heard somebody clamber through the window.

Holy shit, someone's breaking in. What if it's a rapist? What if it's Felix?

I heard footsteps echoing through the room, coming closer and closer to the bed. As far as I could tell, the intruder was about a foot away from me. I could hear him lean over towards me slowly. What did I do? Well naturally, I turned around, screamed, and punched the guy in the jaw. I immediately heard a cracking sound, followed by a voice.

"Dammit Lena," the guy switched on the lights, causing my eyes to widen in horror.

"Shit Mario, I'm so sorry! But what the hell are you doing in my room at two in the morning?" I asked and got out of bed to inspect Mario's jaw. He groaned, looking around the room.

"Got anything cold? This seriously hurts. And I was going to..." I could tell he was trying to think of a lie, failing, obviously.

"Tell the truth or you're not getting an ice pack", I threatened, probably sounding like a mom scolding her child.

"Ugh, fine. I was going to paint a mustache on your face." He said, holding up a sharpie. My eyes widened.

"Why the hell would you do that?"

He shrugged.

"I dunno, I felt like pulling a prank."

My eyes suddenly sparkled as another idea popped into my mind. A prank, huh? Oh, this is going to be fun.

"Wait here, I'll get you some ice," I ordered and got up from the bed. I showed no sign of wanting revenge. Even though Mario hadn't managed to successfully prank me, and I punched him in the jaw, I still wanted more.

I opened the fridge as I thought about what pranks I could pull. The cream in hand, and tickling the face was too cliche, hanging up his underwear was too much work, and dumping ice on him is too dangerous.

I closed the fridge after finding the blue ice pack, knocking over a bottle in the process. I cursed silently as I picked it up. Crayola toxic-free paint.

My lips curved into an evil smile, as an idea formed in my mind.


The following evening after the Mario in my bed incident, was one that I was eager to get to. When it finally came, I waited until I saw the lights in Mario's room go off, and then I pulled on a pair of skinny black jeans, a black sweater, a black beanie, and yes, black converse.

I grabbed a bottle of blue paint and a brush, and snuck out of the house quietly.

"What are you doing?"

I froze, caught in the act. I whirled around and faced Lio. He had returned from the trip this afternoon, and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow- at five in the afternoon.

"Just paying our lovely neighbor a visit." I said innocently. Lio shot me a suspicious look.

"Don't do anything stupid Lena."

"Me? Do stupid? Please?" I said and stomped away, tripping over my shoelace and falling flat on my face.

"Point proven." Lio stated grinning.

I groaned and stuck out my arm, Lio giving me a high five in return.

"You're supposed to help me up."

"Oh. Sorry, blonde over here- oh wait that's you." I rolled my eyes as Lio finally helped me up.

I walked away, careful not to fall once more.


Using the same ladder Mario had used to get into my room, I climbed up to the window located in Mario's room.

Once I reached the top, I carefully opened the window, gracious that they weren't locked. And there he was, the devil himself- though he looked more like an angel when he slept. An incredibly cute angel.

I shook the thoughts off my mind, and tip toed over to his bed. That's where the next distraction was- his body.

Sure, I've seen mario shirtless before but still... Hot damn. I longed to touch him, to run my fingers down his bulging abs.

Instead, I quietly opened the bottle of paint, trying to hold in my laughter. The can popped open, and I prayed Mario wouldn't wake up- he didn't.

I sighed in relief and began painting Mario's face, I giggled to myself, and accidentally painted his lips. Oh, well. I continued with strong, steady strokes, turning Mario's face into a masterpiece- though it was already a pretty fine work of art before.

Just as I finished the second coat, Mario shook and let out a groan, causing me to drop the paint in surprise.

Mario shot up immediately. F'ck.

it took him about five seconds to realize what was going on.

"Lena... You didn't." He said in a sexy, sleepy tone. I shrugged and put on a smile.


Not a minute later was I in a headlock, trying to get out of Mario's firm grasp. I was scared of what he's do to me, yet at the same time didn't want him to ever let me go. Stupid bipolar brain.

"It's a good thing that I kept my goodie bag." Mario said with a smirk. I was confused at first, but then it hit me.

Lio and I had no idea what to put in the goodie bags from the party. We went to a store and randomly chose a few items. We ended up giving everyone tickets to a barca game, expensive chocolates, a scented candle...

And paint. The same paint I had used on Mario's face.

In a variety of colors.

Mario grinned evilly as he pulled a bottle of red paint from the bag that stood upon his desk.

"You wouldn't."

"You know I would." And I did. I squirmed as Mario began painting my face, using my paintbrush (what disrespect!) and the paint I had provided him with.

"Karmas a bitch." Mario sang.

"Your names Karma?" I retorted. Mario just smiled as he continued to paint me.

"Since you painted my lips, it's only fair I paint yours." I opened my mouth to protest, but immediately closed them again once I realized Mario could easily get paint in my mouth. I kept my mouth shut until his work was completed.

"Done." He said with obvious pride. I turned to the left where I knew a mirror stood. I almost fainted.

"My face!"

"It's beautiful" Mario said joining me. He pulled out his phone and took a selfie. I rolled my eyes. He's such a white girl.

After he put his phone away I turned to him and giggled.

"Your lips are blue."

"Yours are red."

"If this were a cliche movie, I'd say "wanna make purple?" I joked. Mario raised his eyebrows.

"Why don't we?"


"I mean, it wouldn't mean anything", why did those words hurt me?, " it would just be for sake of a cheesy memory." Mario suggested.

And then, without giving me a chance to reply, his lips came crashing onto mine.

Number Nineteen (Mario Götze/Goetze/Gotze)Where stories live. Discover now