Chapter Four

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Oh my god, my head is killing me is the first thing thought when I woke up. THe next was where the hell am I, and then finally Oh my god there's a body next to me. Oh my god, it's Mario Goetze- naked. I couldn't help but stare for a minute before coming to my senses and jumping out of the bed. I grabbed my dress and pulled it on. Where's my phone, where's my phone? I found it on the floor, so I quickly picked it up. It wasn't in the clutch like I remembered leaving it. The bed shook behind me and I heard a groan. No time to look for my clutch. I quickly pulled on my shoes and sprinted out of the hotel room.

Where I was going I'm not really sure. I took a left, then a right, and ended up in front of a diner. My stomach rumbled. I was starving. Me being me, I'm always hungry but I could eat a cow right now. After debating whether or not I should go in, I swung open the glass door and stepped inside.

It was a cute little diner, with red tables and cushioned black chairs, that looked very inviting. Jerseys hung strung out along the wall, the first one being Neymar Jr., then THiago Silva and so on. A short frumpy waitress with a long black braid running down to her butt (I wonder how long her hair is open) greeted and seated me.

I ordered a hot chocolate and toast with eggs, and waited patiently for my food to come. What am I going to tell Lio? Thinking of him, I pulled out my phone. Seven missed calls, twenty-nine texts. Six calls and twenty-seven texts from Lionel, one call and two messages from Marcos,

Where are you?

This isn't funny Lena

Okay, I'm at your hotel, open the door.

Why won't you open the door?!?!

Lena, I'm getting worried.

They won't let me in your room. Please call me.

If you don't call me by tomorrow, I'm calling the police.




I'm really worried right now. Call me asap.

And so on. I groaned. How will I explain this? Maybe Marcos has an idea. I opened his messages as my food came.


I began eating as I read his texts

GIrl, you are in troubleeee!

Call me when you can.

I clicked call and tried figuring out what I was going to say to him. Should I tell him the truth?

"It's about time!" His voice said. I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, I-"

"Listen darling, I don't care. Lio wasn't able to get into your room, so just tell him you fell asleep. Where are you?" I smiled at his quick thinking. As much as I hate lying to Lionel, I couldn't possibly tell him the truth.

"Okay thanks Marcos, you're a life saver." He laughed.

"You just figured that out? Call me when you need anything." He said.

I laughed. "Don't worry, I won't bother you anym- oops." I groaned. Why am I so stupid? Here I am, eating breakfast casually, without any money on me.

"What did you do." I almost forgot Marcos was on the other line. My cheeks grew red as I told him what happened.

"You're such a blonde Lena. I'll come pick you up, but you owe me!" he exclaimed hanging up the phone. I stared at it for a minute before putting it down. I am a terrible girlfriend. I just cheated on my boyfriend, stood him up, and then lied about it. I'm soo going to hell.

Marcos arrived in a matter of minutes. He asked no questions, but paid and drove me to the hotel.

"Go change. Then I'll take you to Lio's. He probably wants to talk to you. Oh, and call him, he's worried out of his mind!" I nodded as I headed inside, and upstairs into my room. I pulled on a blue-and-white striped tank top, with a pair of blue high-waisted shorts. I pulled on my blue and white converse to finish off the look, and pulled my long, blonde hair into a ponytail. What am I forgetting? Lio. I called him with no reply, and left a message saying I was coming over. For a guy worried about his girlriend, I'm surprised he's not answering his phone.

"You look hot." Marcos said as I stepped into his car.

"Don't I always?" I replied, handing him money. He pushed it away. "For the breakfast..." I said. He shook his head. "It's on me. DOn't worry hon I've got your back." I smiled because it was true. Marcos was always there for me, even when my own boyfriend wasn't.

We arrived at Lio's hotel a couple minutes later. Marcos bid me good luck as I stepped out of his car, and then he was gone. I made my way to his hotel room. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Please don't be mad, please don't be-

"Damn it Lena, where were you!" Lio exclaimed as he swung open the door.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep. After all the excitement I just got tired. Im soo sorry!" i cried. He looked at me sadly and sighed.

"I'm not even allowed to yell at you..."

"Because I'm your girlfriend?" I asked looking at Lio. He looked down.

"No.. because if anyone hears me they'll think I'm taking it out on you because you're German." I gave him a confused look. "What?" Lionel sighed and sat on his bed.

"After my outburst at the game, a lot of people think that I hate Germans, and that I'll hurt them somehow. I don't know..." he said. That couldn't be true. That would mean he hated me. He doesn't hate me.. right? After he basically admitted the only reasons he's not yelling at me is because of his image.. I'm not so sure anymore. What's happening to the man I love?

"Lena, we're moving.." I snapped my head up.


"We're moving. We can keep our house in Argentina and the U.S. but we're going to be living somewhere else for awhile." I gave him a blank stare.

"Germany, Lena, Germany. My agent thinks it would be good for my image. It'll seem like I'm burying the hatchet." I raised my eyebrows.

"Are you?"

Lio avoided my eyes. "Maybe. Either way, the house is bought. It's done. We're leaving tomorrow." He stood up and left me standing there speechless. Moving? To Germany? Excitement filled me as I realized I was going back to my home country. God, I missed it. I squealed excitedly as I buried my head in a pillow. I wonder what the house will look like. Will the yard be big? Who will our neighbors be? Will I be able to catch up with my old friends? I've got to start packing!

I knocked on the bathroom door, waiting for Lio to say something.

"Come in!" I opened the door, where Lio was currently entering the shower. His bare body reminded me of Mario, and what happened last night. I shook it out of my mind.

"I was thinking we could go to the carnival later? You know, since it's our last day? You could invite the guys if you want..." I suggested. Lio nodded and began washing his hair.

"Sounds good. When's the last time you showered, you smell a little." I was taken aback by the comment, but I realized I never showered after last night. I shrugged my shoulders as Lio motioned for me to join him. I couldn't help but think of Mario...

"Come here.."my boyfriend said. I sighed. How will I do this without being reminded of my mistakes over and over again?

So much for a perfect life...

I'm trying to update a lot today, since I'm leaving for Germany tomorrow, and I don't know when I'll have the oppurtunity to write since there's scarce wifi where I'm going. I will be writing on my Ipod, and then publishing it as I get a chance, so hopefully I'll publish around three chapters at a time. Also, what do you think about Olivia Holt as Lena? Any other ideas? Feedback appreciated :-)

Number Nineteen (Mario Götze/Goetze/Gotze)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang