Chapter Twenty-Five

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        The pool glistened in the light of the stars, a reflection in the moon dancing with the small waved produced by tiny gusts of wind. In the corner, a group of girls stood gossiping about which football player had the cutest butt and whatever. Beside them, a mixed group was in a huge debate over whether the dress was black and blue or white ang gold.

        Honestly, who cares?

        A couple made out in the middle, and I was very thankful that the pool was filtered as the red-headed girl grinded her body over a nerdy guy moaning in response. Ah, drunks, how lovely.

        I myself wasn't in the pool. It was heated, yes, but once I would get out I'd be freezing cold and probably get hypothermia, which for some odd reason, wasn't exactly my idea of fun.

        I stood beside the outdoor bar Lio had set up for our Fasching's Party (similar to Carneval and Mardi Gras). Lene Gercke and Sarah Brander stood beside me making small talk about random things that I half-listened to. I couldn't keep my eyes off of the couples making out around the patio. Well, only one couple really.

        I never pictured a Julia to be slutty. It's such a cute, nice name. That's a lame description, but it's the truth. If her name was Ginger or Candy or something I'd understand, but Julia?

        Currently, she sat on Mario's lap straddling him while he kissed her neck, causing her to moan and occasionally giggle. I clenched my fists together, resulting in a crushed plastic, red cup and root beer (I had to have it specially imported from America) dribbling from my hand and onto the stone-tiled floor,

        "Uh, Lena, are you okay?"

      I looked up at the girls and then back at the cup and then back at them.

      "Um, yeah. Just.. hate the color red," I lied. I could tell they knew I wasn't tell the truth but they didn't press, which I was very thankful for. I took a deep breath and looked back over to the spot where Mario and Julia had ast been, bu they had disappeared. Scanning the corridor, I still didn't manage to pin point their location.

        "Hey Lena," a voice suddenly said making me jump. I turned around and realaxed.

        "It's just you," I said, happy it wasn't some demon here to take me to hell or something. Though, it was close enough. Julia stood behind me wearing an annoyed expression with her lips pursed.

        "Just me?" she asked but then stopped. "Anyway, we were going to play spin the bottle, and I was put in charge of the people outside. Wanna play?"

        I could tell she really didn't want to ask me by the bored expression on her face, but before I could reply a jumping Lisa squealed yes and pulled me over to an area near the pool covered in a large picnic blanket, where a few people were already gathered.

        The circle was a group of boys and girls in their twenties, yet it couldn't help but feel like we were those desperate high schoolers striving to finally get their first kiss. Once they got it of course, they were too embarrassed to tell anybody and just pretended they had never gotten thei first kiss before. I sat down between Lena and Sarah and crossed my legs. As more people began piling in and I was lost in dreamland Sarah suddenly grabbed my arm with a gasp.

        "Look! It's that whore!" she exclaimed, pointing at a tall, brunette emerald green eyes, who sat down next to Bastian. I bit my lip, knowing this couldn't be good. In this one, simple game, exes, lovers, and crushes were all thrown together. It obviously could result in ultimate chaos.

        "Okay, so everyone's here," Mario finally said, taking a seat across from me with Julia clutching his arm like she was hanging on for dear life. I rolled my eyes and looked at Sarah, who was sending Ana death stares. The pretty brunette squirmed in her seat, whispering into Basti's ears. He turned and looked at Sarah, with a look in his eye that I couldn't quite make-out.

        "Let's begin!" Julia said, "Who goes first?"

        People looked around and a few nominations were made, but Manuel Neuer was pushed forward so he got the honor. He smiled before leaning forward and spinning the empty beer bottle that was placed in the middle. It went around a few times before landing on a pretty blonde that was a few seats away from me. She squealed before the two leaned in and locked lips for a few seconds before Manu pulled away. I could tell the blonde was disappointed as she stuck her lip out with a pout.

        The next person up was Mario, and I could see Julia's fingers crossed as he spun the bottle. It went round and round and...

        crap. It landed on me. I looked over to Lio who was sitting between Marcos and Mats Hummels. He looked annoyed but nodded, giving me permission. Julia squirmed in her seat and stuck her middle finger at me in a way so that Mario wouldn't see. I rolled my eyes and crawled forward. Here we go again..

        The kiss was short but sweet, and dozens of memories flashed back into my mind as we kissed. It was as if nobody was around us, and I completely forgot about Julia and Lio. It was just me and him. Me and Mario.

        I pulled away, knowing Lio would kill Mario if I continued it and sat back down next to Lisa, who looked at me knowingly. I gave her a small smile and she nodded.

        "Ich will jetzt auch," said Bastian as he grabbed the bottle and spun it. I looked back at it as it rotated like the sun, until it finally stopped.. on Sarah. She looked at me nervously and I felt absolutely terrible for her. Ana folded her arms together and looked like she wanted to protest, but it was already too late. Bastian didn't waste any time. In seconds his lips were on Sarah's as they made out passionately, and wathcing them just made me feel a glimpse of love. They were so perfect together. Damn that whore.

        Ana got pissed, though I don't blame her, and stormed away. If Basti noticed, he didn't care. He was too busy swapping spit with Sarah.

        "Get a room!" somebody finally exclaimed, and they both pulled away. Sarah blushed and looked away, but Bastian kept his eyes locked on her face with a genuine smile I hadn't seen in a long time. Sarah looked back at Bastian and the two stared at each other for a minute like lovesick idiots before returning to their spots. Why can't I have that?

        "Congratulations!" I said to Sarah as did a few others. On the other side of the circle, Basti was getting high fives and fist bumps from a bunch of guys,

        "Alright, I nominate Lio to go next!" Marcos said. Lio's face snapped toward him angrily but Marcos only laughed.

        "C'mon Lio!" a voice said but he shook his head. A few people began chanting his name until finally he gave in. He put his hand on the bottle and took a deep breath, before sending it into a fast spin. After a minute it began getting slower and slower and slower...

        before landing on Fabian.

Cover for Forever or Never, a Lionel Messi fanfic by @anushka_99xx on side. I made it quickly so it's not the best but that's all I have for now.

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