Chapter Five

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We left for the carnival around six o' clock, planning to eat dinner there. Lio and I were meeting with the rest of the Argentinian team in the back entrance. We'd called ahead, and security was getting us in through the back and making sure we were safe.

We arrived at 6:16, a minute later then we'd arranged to be here. I looked around, surprised that we were the last ones. The entire team was there, along with a few girlfriends and friends.

"Well well well, if it isn't Miss Too-cool-to-party!" Sergio Aguero greeted me, alongside of his wife Giannina Maradona. I grinned.

"Nah, I'm just too cool for you," I teased as the group began walking.

I looked around the carnival, gasping at how big it was. There were so many rides, it was practically an amusement park. There was a merry-go-round, a ferris wheel- oh hell yes!!!

"We are SO doing that!" I exclaimed, pointing at the ride that said "Monster" I watched my friends' eyes widen as they looked at the ride I was talking about. It was a roller coaster that only went upside down, with a couple loops and a 97 degree drop.

"Shit", I heard Angel DI Maria mutter as he watched a group of teenage guys go on the ride. I smiled cheekily.

"C'mon, let's go!" I exclaimed, pulling Lio toward the ride.

"I don't know Lena..." he said with fear in his eyes. I groaned.

"Does anybody want to go?" I asked, disappointed by a chorus of "nos".

"Das schaut hammerartig aus" cried a German voice. (translation: that looks amazing). I whirled around where I saw Thomas Mueller, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Christoph Kramer, Phillip Lahm and the one and only Mario Goetze walking towards the ride.

"I'm going with Basti!" Cristoph cried. "Dibs on Phillip!" claimed Thomas. Mario groaned. "I don't want to go alone!" he pouted.

"She'll go with you!" I snapped my head at my boyfriend.

"You want me to go with them?" I asked, with obvious surprise. Lio nodded.

"My image, remember?" I rolled my eyes. Image, my ass.

"Are you coming or not?" Bastian asked. Everyone stared at me. I sighed.

"Sure, whatever." I walked over to join their group, waving to my friends.

"We'll meet you at the merry-go-round!" Giannina called after me. I shook my head. My friends are so boring. I caught Marcos sending me a wink, causing me to blush. He knows all about my prior Mario obsession.

"You have to go in the inside since you're shorter." speak of the devil. I nodded as I entered. I was only an inch shorter then my five foot seven boyfriend, and three inches shorter then Mario.

The seats were sort of small, so Mario and I were squished together, causing me to blush fiercely. "Scared?" he asked. I laughed. "Hell no." He gave me a smile and the ride started.

I definetly wasn't scared, but Mario obviously was. After two loops, it was time for the big drop. I heard Mario curse as we neared the climax, and I grabbed his hand for comfort. He looked at our interlocked hands, then at me, and then at the drop. He seemed to relax a little, until we began dropping. Mario's grip on my hand tightened, and my heart was beating faster. It's from the drop. He's not having this effect on me. Absolutely not.

If anybody tells you that Mario Goetze does not scream, I beg to differ. He screams like a girl, and it's cute as f'ck. I mean... god, what's wrong with me?

After the ride we looked at the pictures that were taken during the drop. The first was of Christoph and Basti. I laughed. They had their arms wrapped around each other like they were from the Titanic. The next was of Phillip and Thomas who both had their hands in the air and were shouting. Then there was me and Mario, hand-in-hand, him screaming his face off, and me laughing like crazy. I smiled at the picture.

"Two of number 70213" I heard Mario say. I looked at him as the lady behind the counter handed him two copies of the picture of us. "Here." he said, handing me one. I looked at him speechless. "You didn't have-"

"I wanted to."

I wanted to. I wanted to. He freaking bought me a gift. Lena, it was a simple gesture. He's a professional football player with tons of money. This is basically nothing.

"Are you going to join your friends now?" Phillip asked. I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah. Thanks for letting me ride with you." They grinned. "Anything for a fellow German." they said and winked. I grinned.

"Later guys."

"See ya shortie."

I left "Monster" with a smile. The Germany team sure is a lot of fun. I began walking to the merry-go-round when I got a famiiar feeling. I gotta pee, I gotta pee. Where's the damn bathroom? I spotted it not too far from the merry-go-round and began sprinting towards it. There was no line, and I'm not going to get into details. Afterwards while I was washing my hands, I heard a voice that scared the living daylights out of me.

"Why hello Miss Lena." I looked into the mirror. Behind me stood Felix, the limo driver, smirking.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" I asked nervously. His smirk widened. I came to see you." he began walking towards me. I started sliding towards the exit. "No, no, no. Stay my lady. We have some business to do." What he may do to me crossed my mind and I let out a squeal. Felix lunged at me, throwing me against the wall. "Now we wouldn't want to alert the others would be." he smiled evilly, and held his hand over my mouth. I bit him causing him to cry out in pain.

"You'll pay for that bitch!" I closed my eyes waiting for the punch to come, but it never did.

I heard muffled sounds and cries, causing me to open my eyes. They immediately widened.


"Get help Lena! "

I nodded and ran out, screaming for help. A dozen gaurds immediately rushed to me, and I pointed them inside. I fell to the ground burying my head in my knees.

"Lena! What happened!" Lionel ran towards me, and I shot up into his arms, crying.

"He-he was going to.. to..." I couldn't say it. Instead I let out another cry.

"Shh, shh. It's okay now. I'm here, okay?" I nodded and peered over his shoulder. The gaurds dragged out Felix, and Mario followed them out, with a bleeding nose and swollen eye.

"Mario..." I whispered. Lio shot me a look. "What?" I nodded over to him. "He saved me..."

Lionel wore an expression I couldn't figure out, and looked me with worry. "It's okay Lena. You'll be alright." he said stroking my hair, and continued hugging me. I realized how long it feels like it's been since he's been so kind to me. I was finally welcomed into his arms again. The only problem is, that I no longer feel like they're the pair of arms I belong in...

Number Nineteen (Mario Götze/Goetze/Gotze)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ