Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Mario Goetze

Dedicated to Manuel Neuer, Germany's #1 :)

Lena's P.O.V.

    La la la la la I'm bored. I mean, I've literally just been sitting in this room for the past thirty-five minutes, listening to Coach Alejandro Sabella go over game plans and tactics with the guys.

    Don't get me wrong- I love football. But Sabella is seriously sucking the fun out of the sport. And I'm not the only one that's bored. Marcos (Rojo)'s been sneaking silly faces at me during Sabella's speech. Sometimes I let out a laugh, causing stares and a disapproving look from Sabella himself- and Lionel Messi, my boyfriend.

    If he caught me and Marcos, he'd be beyond pissed. I love Lio, and he's a pretty cool guy, but there's no fooling around when it comes to football. He would just keep an angry look on his face, and scold me later. Then I'd start flirting with him, and he would push me off and say:

"Now's not the time for monkey business." Then he'd shake his head and leave.

    Makes you wonder why I stay with him. When he's not on the field, he's a great guy, and I love him to pieces. That's why I'm rooting for Argentina for this game. Argentina, and not Germany, where I was born and raised for fourteen years of my life. Then I moved to America, which is where I live now.

    "Hey Lena, we're going to go warm up. When you come back to Earth you can join us." I looked up and met Lio's eyes.

    "Oh yeah, sorry..." I got up and he gave me a smile- a smile that melts my heart.

    "Come on", he said and grabbed my arm, lacing our hands together. I smiled. This is what I love about him. The little things... the hand-holding, that smile...

    "Ready to win?" I asked, happily exiting the locker room of the World Cup Stadium.


   Why is it so freakin' hot? Sweat is dripping down my forehead, and I'm not even playing. Aside from the humid Brazilian weather, the score is tied at zero, and I'm nervous..for both teams.

    Though I'm telling everyone I'm supporting Argentina, I know I want Germany to win. They deserve it, they really do. And being a Germany fan for about twenty years can never really change.

    It's the eighty-eighth minute, and I'm worried this is going to end in penalties.

    "Substituting in for Miroslav Klose, number eleven, Germany, is Mario Goetze, number nineteen." An announcer stated first in Spanish, then English, and finally German. I looked over at the sideline, and there he stood.

    The face that used to hang in my bedroom over my desk, which I'd stare at all day long. Mario Goetze has been my favorite football player for years now, and I always used to fangirl over every single thing he did. I was crazy for that boy- until I met Lionel.

    My stomach fluttered at the sight of him, which surprised me since I'm completely over that crush...right?

    Mario and Miroslav exchanged a few words, and then number ninteen jogged onto the         field into position. My eyes didn't leave his figure, scanning that perfect body of his...

Wait, what?


   Oh my god, this game is killing me. If it ends in penalities, I'm going to be pretty pissed. It would suck to win, or lose, that way.

    I watched as Andre Schuerlle from Germany got the ball and skillfully dribbled it down the left sideline. I noticed Mario running into the box. Cross it. Now. I sent a telepathic message to Andre, because I can totally do that.

    It looked like it worked, because he crossed it in, the ball curving into the box right by Mario. He stopped the ball with his chest (I wonder what's under that shirt...oh shut up Lena's stupid mind) and then took a shot. I stood up as I watched the ball fly though the air. It felt like everything was in slow motion. The next thing I knew, the ball bounced off the back of the net, and cheers erupted around me.

    I cheered too, but then immediately stopped, remembering that I want Argentina to win.

   I glanced at my boyfriend, who's never looked sadder in his life. I just wanted to run over to him and hug him and tell him everything's going to be okay. The eleven men on the field, dressed in blue all wore gloomy expressions as they watched Germany celebrate.

    "THERE'S STILL FIVE MINUTES LEFT GUYS, YOU'VE GOT THIS!" I cried, trying to comfort them. I doubt any of them heard me, but I noticed one head turn and look my way. And damn, it sure is one fine head. Mario stared at me for a second, then looked away. He and his teammates got back into position, with sparkling eyes and smiles that could have belonged to a bunch of six year olds going to Disneyland for the first time.

    After the game it was time for the Awards Ceremony. Yes, Argentina lost. And though I was happy for Germany, my heart ached having to see Lio so sad.

   As soon as I was able to, I pulled him into a kiss. Though he kissed back, I could sense that he wasn't in the mood.

    I broke the kiss and wrapped my arms around him, trying to let him know I was there, and that he'll always be a winner. I pulled away and looked into his sad eyes. He looked back for a minute before speaking.

    "Time for awards." he mumbled. He walked away slowly. This time, he didn't hold my hand. Instead, he left me standing there alone.

Okay guys so this was sort of an intro chapter. It's kind of sloppy, and it's un-edited but I promise I'll do better. I know I'm making Messi seem like a dick, but in this story his motto is football over all, and love is part of "all". Yes, I am aware of the fact that Mario has a girlfriend, but he doesn't in this story. And I know Messi has a real girlfriend too, but just completely erase her out of your memory. I'm going to try to update more frequently. Mena/Lario moments in the next chapter :-)

What did you think of that stare that Mario gave Lena? The first Mena/Lario moment!

P.S: It's so awkward to refer to the football players with their first name xD

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