Chapter Two

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   As I gazed up at the sky, I realized that the sun wasn't shining as bright, and it suddenly seemed dark and gloomy. I sighed. I wish Lio would feel better. This can't get any worse, right? I mean, he's Lionel Messi, one of the greatest football players in the world. He deserves second place. Even if this wasn't his best tournament, and he knows it, it still sucks that he lost. I can't help but look at things from his point of view. He must be embarassed. Another defeat from Germany.

    "And the golden ball award goes to..." I snapped my head up as I wondered who might get this award. Mueller? James Rodriguez? Arjen Robben? "Lionel Messi!"  My heart dropped. Wow Lena, you jinxed it. Nice going. I watched sadly as my boyfriend made his way over to get his award. He doesn't deserve it, and he knows it. I don't know how to comfort him.

     Later as the guys were changing, I snuck into the locker room.

    "Hey boyfriend!" I exclaimed pecking Lio quickly. He didn't look up as he spoke, and continued changing.

    "You can't be in here Lena. We've been over this..." he scolded with a slightly annoyed tone. It sucks to have your boyfriend complain about your flirting. Especially when it's him I'm flirting with.

     "Hey Lena! Here to check out my body?" I whirled around where I found Marcos standing before me wearing a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes.

    "Yes Marcos, I just couldn't resist." I replied sarcastically. Marcos was my best friend on this team. He's a lot of fun, and he's the only one that knows about the problems Lio and I are having.

    "Are you two coming to the party later?" he asked.

    I looked at Lio.

    "No" he replied. I pouted like a five year old.

    "Come on. Stop being such a downer and come party with me. It'll help you get your mind off things." He finally looked at me. "Please? For me?" I asked batting my eyelashes. He groaned.

    "Fine. Where is it?" he asked with excitement (ha ha just kidding) in his voice.

    "I'll text you both the details. Later Liona." Marcos used our ship name as he walked off. I watched him leave and then turned to Lio. "Ready to go?" He nodded and we began walking out the locker room. I was about to ask what I should wear to the party when I heard a young child's voice.

    "Messi! Messi! Could I get your autograph?" It was a little brunette boy, who couldn't be older than six wearing a Germany shirt. I smiled at his cuteness, wanting to just eat him up. Kids are adorable, and I hope I'll have some one day (Thiago isn't in this story). Lionel grunted besides me.

    "Is this some kind of a sick joke? I can see that you're a Germany fan! Are you trying to rub in our loss or something? Huh? Huh? Huh? ANSWER ME!?!?!" He cried, causing both the kid and me to jump back at his sudden outburst. 

    "C'mon honey, let's go," the child's mother quickly picked up her son and scurried away.

    "Lio.." I started. That's when I noticed the bright, flashing lights. I cursed under my breath and grabbed my frozen boyfriend as the papparazzi continued snapping pictures, and yelling questions about Messi's rage. I dragged him out through the back of the stadium, and pushed him into the car.

    "What's gotten into you?" I exclaimed as I looked at my boyfriend. That's when I noticed his eyes. They were hard and dark, but they were also glassy and full of tears threatining to spill over. A tear trickled out of his eye and down his nose, landing on his shorts.

    "I don't know what's happening to me. I suddenly feel like I'm nothing.." he spoke quietly, making him seem much younger.

    "It's okay Lio. You didn't mean it. You're just angry and sad. Let's go to the party okay? We can have a few drinks, let loose.. it'll help you get over it..." I said, not daring to mention the loss. I didn't want to remind him that he just barely missed the oppurtunity of living as World Champions for the next four years.

     He nodded and pulled out his sleek iPhone, which was covered in a case with a picture of me in a Messi jersey. I smiled as I remembered when he took the picture. It was his birthday last year, and we went to the beach. I wore a black bikini that made my long blonde hair and blue eyes shine, and wore simply ann Argentina crop top over it. Lionel had taken me away from the party for a romantic walk on the beach- just the two of us. We collected shells and talked about the most random things in the world- our hopes, our dreams, Miley Cyrus' tongue.... then Lionel pulled me in for a kiss and told me he loved me for the first time.

    "What are you smiling about?" he asked. I hadn't even realized he'd begun driving his Maserati GranTurismo MC Strasdale. 

    "Nothing. Just you," I replied smiling. My smile grew as I saw a tiny smile appear from Lio's face.

    "I'm thinking of me too," he joked. I let out a laugh as I looked out the window. Brazil is so beautiful. The beaches, the weather, the boys... don't tell Lio I said that...

     "I'm going to drop you off at your hotel so you can get ready. I'll meet you at the party?" Lio spoke. I was surprised that he hadn't insisted on walking me in, or personally taking me to the party like he usually does. I didn't say anything though I was slightly hurt. Instead, I nodded and kissed his cheek. Then I left the car, entering the hotel though the back.

     As soon as I entered my hotel room, I checked my phone to see if Marcos had texted me already, and sure enough, he did.


Hotel Málaga

R. Barão de Iguatemi, 224/230 - Centro

Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Make sure to wear that sexy red dress of yours ;) For Lio of course. Totally not me lol.

I rolled my eyes at Marcos's comment, but decided to wear the red dress he was talking about. It was red (obviously) and strapless. The back had a black pattern that I can't describe (picture on side). Then, I did my hair and make up, and once I was satasfied with my look, I grabbed my clutch, stuffed my phone inside and headed outside. I realized I hadn't reserved a taxi or anything, and my car was in the shop, so I had no way of getting there. By the way, I'm not staying with Lio because Sabell doesn't allow girls near the guys during the World Cup because we might "keep them up all night." It's very awkward hearing that from a fifty-nine year old guy.

     "Excuse me miss, but are you Lena Schmitd?" A voice spoke behind me. I turned around and saw a guy who looked like he was in his late forties wearing a tuxedo and holding a sign with my name on it.

    "I'm here to take you to the party" he said with a heavy Brazlian accent. I looked at him confused.

    "I didn't order a limo..." He just smiled. It was a very creepy smile by the way. This guy's scaring me.

    "I know Miss. Somebody ordered it for you. A man. His name started with an M." M? At first I was confused. Lionel begins with "L" (sarcastic voice: OMG really?). Then I realized he must mean Messi. I smiled. At least he sent someone for me.

    I sat in the back of the limo, and rode to the Hotel Malaga. The driver, who's name is Felix by the way tried making conversation, but he asked personal questions and I shut him down. What if he's a rapist? I want to get out. Now.

   As if he heard my requests, Felix told me that we'd arrived and I quickly left the bar. I entered the lobby.

   "Hi, where's the party? For-?"

    "Right this way" a lady wearing a plain blue dress stated. She led me to the bar part of the hotel, which was filled with streamer, pictures of the trophy, quotes (in German?) and "Champions" banners. I scanned the room. Everyone was wearing black, red, and gold. I looked around and immediately spotted a familiar face.

     Hold on, this isn't Argentina's party. Unless Germany's entire team is partying with them. But let's face it.

That's not happening.

What the hell?

Guys I'm about to get yelled at so I've got to go. This is complteyly uedited. Sorry that Mario's not in here. Next chapter. I promise. That's when the party starts ;)

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