Chapter Three

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   It took me about three seconds to realize what had happened. I'm at Germany's party, not Argentina's. I must have gotten the wrong address or something. I looked around. Sure enough, I saw some players, WAGs, and coaches from the Germany team. What now? I should probably go find out where the party is... but it would be rude to just leave after invading the party. Maybe I should comgratulate them?

     "Lena! What are you doing here?" I spotted where the voice came from. It was Thomas Mueller, one of Germany's best players. I walked over to him and congratulated him, and he surprisingly pulled me into a hug.

      "I don't care what you say you are, you're still German. This is your victory too!" he whispered causing me to blush.

      "Um, thanks. I just-" I began speaking, but he cut me off.

     "Drink? Here, waitress! Can I get a round of shots for the lady!" he cried. I looked at him surprised. Shots? For me? I'm starting to think I should've just left.

    Before I could say or do anything, the waitress brought over a tray with eight shots on them. She gave me a smile and then left.

     "Let's go Lena!" a voice belonging to Sarah Brandner, Bastian Schweinsteiger's girlfriend said. A small crowd had formed around me, and together they chanted "shots, shots, shots!". I looked around, knowing there was no backing out of this. I noticed Mario was here too. He wasn't cheering, but he was staring at me as if I was a bug under a microscope. I blushed again and looked back at the shots. Oh what the heck, what's the worst that could happen?

    I grabbed shot after shot chugging them down quickly as cheers erupted around me. After I'd finsihed I admit I felt a little woozy, but I didn't care. Gosh, this is fun!

    "Who's next?" I asked. The crowd spoke over one another.

    "Mario should go! After all, he scored the winning goal!" somebody said. I glanced at him. He smiled at his friends and tried to protest. Finally he gave in.

     "Fine, fine. Waitress, can you pour some shots? Just use the same glasses, it would be silly to use a whole new set." my heart skipped. He wants to use the same shot glasses as I did? Shut up Lena, you're overthinking it. He probably just doesn't want to waste another set. I watched closely as the waitress poured shots while Mario waited patiently for her to finish. Then he picked up the first, stared straight into my eyes, said "Cheers" and chugged it down. Oh my god, why is my heart beating so fast. What the f'ck is wrong with me...

    "Mario! Mario! Mario!" everybody cheered. He finished his last shot and thrusted his fist into the air.

     "Yeahh!" he exclaimed, sounding a bit tipsy. I smiled and shook my head. God, he's adorable. I mean.. nothing.

      "Hey! I love this song!" Sami Khedira cried, as Wasted by Tiesto came on. He grabbed his girlfriend Lena Gercke (We have the same name! Hashtag twinning!) and began dancing. Seconds later I realized everyone was dancing, and I was standing there like a loner.

     "Hey.", someone tapped my shoulder. "Wanna dance?" I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

     "Sure" I replied, taking Mario's outstreched hand. He led me to the dance floor, and began doing the disco. I laughed and joined him, and we did one crazy dance move after the other.

     "You're a great dancer." He said seriously, as he did gangnam style. I grinned. "You are too!"

      Eventually, the song ended and everybody clapped. THe next song was a slow one. Without thinking, I took Mario's hands and began slowdancing with him. He did the same, and we stood there swaying. At one point he twirled me, making me dizzier then I already am.

    He's so perfect. Everything about him. His hair, his eyes, his smile.. absolutely everything. I pictured the two of us walking down the street, hand-in-hand. It would make me the happiest girl on earth.

      "Come with me." he whispered, sounding oh so sexy. My heart fluttered as he took my hand and led me out the bar into a hotel room. Why does he have this effect on me? Should I be doing this? I felt like there was something that  I was forgetting, but I ignored my conscience screaming at me, telling me what a bad idea this was. Instead, I let Mario lead me into a room, just the two of us, drunk out of my mind.

Don't ask me what happened next. Truth is, I have no idea.

Okayy so I know this chapter is kind of short. It's a filler. I'll try updating more later. Yay, a lot of Mena/ Lario moments! Whooo! Which one sounds better Mena or Lario? Comment please VVV! Feedback is greatly appreciated.

FYI, after the shots Lena got drunk as well as Mario, and she completely forgot about Messi and the party and everything. I hope you enjoyed :-)!

Number Nineteen (Mario Götze/Goetze/Gotze)Where stories live. Discover now