Chapter Twenty-Six

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"No, no, no. No f'cking way," Lio sprang up, his face red as a ripe tomato. Sweat ran down his forehead which he wiped away hastily, and his hands were shaking.

"What's the big deal, babe? It's just a kiss," I asked sweetly, trying to remain calm.

"No. I will never ever kiss this faggot."

His nervous expression immediately changed to one of regret as he covered his mouth in shock.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so-," he didn't get to finish his sentence, because in that second Mario's fist collided with Lionel's face. I didn't react at first. I was too stunned by the fact that Lionel had just said that. I stood frozen for a minute instead, tears suddenly forming into my eyes.

What was Lio's problem? Did I create this monster? Is this my fault?

"Don't you ever call my baby brother that again! Do you hear me!" Mario shouted with obvious rage in his voice. He's cute when he's mad and overprotective. 

Lio clutched his jaw, nodding with fear.

"Apologize!" Mario demanded. Lio nodded again and looked up at Fabian. I hadn't even noticed him during the little quarrel, I was too wrapped up in Lio's words. Fabian looked as if he had seen a ghost, but instead of anger or fear in his eyes, he wore an expression of sadness.

"I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry. I didn't mean it," Lio said, not daring to look into Fabian's eyes. Fabian shook his head.

"I don't get the big deal though. I mean, it's not like we haven't touched lips before."

I choked on my soda.



I never before realized how boring and uninviting mine and Lionel's living house was. Everything was neat and orderly. Everything was in place. It was all so perfect. Too perfect.

Mario had yelled at everybody to go home, and the remaining guests sat in the same room as me. Mario sat with his arms crossed and a stern expression beside Fabian, who was looking down in dejection, on the black leather couch. I sat beside Lionel on the love seat, watching Mario and not having the strength to look at my own boyfriend.

His and Fabian's lip have connected, and he never bothered mentioning it to me. I felt betrayed, confused, surprised, and lonely all at the same time.

"So who's going to speak up and tell me and Lena how this thing happened?" Mario finally asked, looking at his brother and then Lio. He kept running his hand through his hair and his eyes looked completely lost. He looked like I felt, and I wondered if I wore the same expression.

For a few minutes, nobody dared to say anything. Then finally, Fabian spoke up.

"Um, so remember that time where we all went to the beach? Just the four of us?" he started. I bit my lip nervously, nodding.

"Well, do you remember what happened?" Lio chimed in. I looked at him confused, thinking over the events when It finally came back to me.

Fabian was drowning.

Lionel jumped in to save him.

I fainted.

I looked up at Lio with wide eyes, my heart beating a million times per minute.

"Li-Lionel? What happened while I was unconscious?"

He looked away, not daring to look into my eyes. I glanced at Fabian, but he kept his own glued to the floor.

"Mario?" I lost hope. "Do you know anything?"

"Not much," he said, but he continued, "My brother was drowning and you had fainted. Since Lio swam after him I focused on you. I brought you over to our towel and made sure you had shade. I- I was really scared for both of you," he said, his eyes clearly showing he was telling the truth. "I don't know what I would've done had I lost either of you," the way he said the last part made my heart melt.

"I ran to the nearest stand to get ice and a wet towel or something, which was about 2 minutes away, so I was gone for about 4 minutes. But when I returned my brother was awake and Lio was holding onto you tightly," he paused looking into my eyes. "That's it."

I let out a sigh and looked over at Fabian and Lionel. They exchanged worried looks before nodding. Lio turned toward me.

"Promise you won't get upset?" he asked. I shook my head.

"I don't think I can promise anything."

He nodded knowingly before beginning to speak.

"I didn't know what to do," he started," I heard Fabian shouting and I panicked. I dropped everything and jumped into the water. When I found him, I was afraid it was too late. I thought he was dead," he looked at me sadly, before focusing his eyes back onto his lap.

"I brought him back to shore, and he wasn't awake. I didn't know what else to do - I performed CPR."

I raised my eye brows. Of course he did, why didn't I connect that? It made perfect sense. Fabian was drowning. It was a simple solution.

"But you did what you had to do. Why would I be upset about that?" I asked. Fabian bit his lip.

"Because when I woke up I thought it was a kiss, and I kissed him."

I looked at the two in shock, millions of thoughts running through my mind. But that's still not that bad. It was an accident.

"Is that all?" Mario asked from beside me. I had forgotten he was there. I studied Lionel's expression carefully, and I immediately knew the answer.

"It's not," I guessed, and they nodded.

"Well, then what did happen?" Mario asked, growing impatient. Lionel covered his mouth as he spoke.

"I kpht thim ak," he mumbled.

"What? Look at me when you talk, and move your hand away," I scolded. Lio let out a sigh.

"I kissed him back."


"And it lasted for two minutes."



Holy turtle god, this was late. Sorry about all the dialogue, I feel like it sounds choppy and meh. What did you guys think of this chapter?

Please comment, feedback is greatly appreciated :-)

Number Nineteen (Mario Götze/Goetze/Gotze)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя