Chapter Fifteen

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"What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!" says a bridesmaid to a waiter,

"And, yes, but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore." I hummed the lyrics to "I Write Sins not Tragedies" by Panic! at the Disco. I liked to drown myself in music when I was nervous.

First of all, ever since I fainted at the beach, Lio's been acting super weird. I woke up at the hospital, and the nurse told me I'd just fainted out of stress, and I should relax. Easier said then done.

Next, Lisa called this morning saying she and Thomas wanted to meet up with me. When I told her I was free Friday, she said it was urgent. I'm currently pacing around in my room, waiting to be picked up, thousands of hypothetical scenarios running rhough my head. Damn it Lena, chill. How bad can it be?

Before I could mentally answer my own question, the door bell rang.

"It's the Mullers!" Lio cried from downstairs. I took a deep breath and grabbed my bag.

"Coming!" I cried, and made my way downstairs.


The ride was silent, and there was a lot of tension in the air. The only question is why? I haven't spoken to these two in awhile, and I haven't done anything too bad lately...

aside from kissing Mario. And fantasizing about him. But they didn't know that.

At least, I doubt they know that. Oh crap, that might be it! But that's not possible! Nobody knows! Only Mario and I. Ugh, I worry to much. I'll be fine.


"We're here." Thomas broke the silence as he pulled into a small chinese restaurant. I unbuckled my seatbelt and clambered out of his red Audi.

Lisa grabbed my hand and squeezed it making me even nervous. What the hell is going on?

A short Asian woman greeted us with a big smile, and took us to our table in the back of the little restaurant.

"The waitor will be right over." she said with an accent, and walked back to her podium. I stayed silent for a few minutes, until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Why am I here?" I finally asked. Lisa and Thomas exhanged looks, and sighed.

"Look Lena, you know we love you. But there's something we've been meaning to tell you.." she paused for a minute before continuing, "we know about you and Mario."

My heart dropped. She knows? What does she mean they know? How the hell is that possible? Nobody ever saw us doing.. stuff... Did she see us? I thought we covered up our tracks pretty well... HOW DO THEY KNOW?

"Remember the celebratory party you came to?" Thomas asked, and I nodded. "Well, since Lisa's a non-alcoholic I stayed sober for the night for her. After you and Mario got wasted, you started dancing and getting touchy. I wasn't paying attention, but then suddenly I saw you two leaving. I tried to stop you, but you were already in a room, and I guess you couldn't hear my knocks. And well.. the walls were not soundproof. I heard what you were doing. And Lisa came, and she heard too." he explained awkwardly. My cheeks grew a deep shade of red, and a million thoughts ran through my mind. Does anybody else know?

"Nobody knows but us", Lisa said as if reading my mind. "Unless.. does Lio know?" she asked. I slowly shook my head, and she sighed.

"Okay. Look, I'm not mad or disappointed or anything. We just wanted to tell you what we know.. and.. is there anything else going on between the two of you? You are neighbors after all."

I recalled all the events that happened. When we went on the roller coaster together, how he saved me from Felix, making purple, the beach... A tear fell into my mouth and only then did I realize I was crying. I tried wiping it away before my friends noticed, but it was too late.

"Oh  my god, you're crying!" Lisa exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. Thomas embraced me from the other side, and I just sat there crying into their arms.

"I'm such a horrible person!" I muttered though tears.

"Sweetie, no you're not! You were drunk!" Lisa tried calming me down. I cried even harder.

"We kissed again! I snuck into his bedroom and we ended up kissing! And the baby.. the baby it's.." I couldn't say it.

Lisa pulled away and her eyes widened.

"It's Mario's?" she asked. I didn't reply. I continued sobbing like a baby, remembering all of my mistakes. Lisa hugged me again and we just stayed like that for a few minutes, until the waiter came and awkwardly asked if we were thirsty. Lisa ordered for me, and once he left I continued crying until I was out of tears.

"Are you good now?" Thomas asked, with obvious concern in his voice. I nodded and wiped my face with my hand, and it wasn't until then that I realized my face was smeared with mascara, there was mascara on Lisa's cheek and white sweater, and mascara on Thomas' forehead.

"Oh my god, my makeup is all over you!"I exclaimed. Lisa cracked a smile and shrugged.

"I honestly couldn't care less." she said and I could tell she meant it. The waitor came with our drinks and took our orders. This time, I was able to actually speak for myself.


After lunch Lisa insisted on taking me shopping in order to "cure the pain" and dragged Thomas along, who got to be the lucky person who carried our abundance of shopping bags.

"I think I maxed my credit card." she had said.

"next time don't shop this much!" Thomas groaned and dropped the bags.

"Oh it's fine! I used your money!" she teased and Thomas tickled her.

"You little bitch!" He joked while she laughed uncontrollably, making me laugh too. Lisa finally got away and Thomas gave her a quick peck.

How I longed for a realationship like theirs.

Now I sat in my room recapping the events of the day. It felt good to finally confide in somebody.. or somebodies. I felt guilty, because I hadn't confessed how I actually did indeed have feelings for Mario, but that's news for another day.

A light flicked on from Mario's room. Should I go talk to him? I've tried avoiding it, only making small talk at the doctor appointments, the beach.. everywhere. I took a deep breath and stood up, walking to my window and opened it. Mario's head snapped my way as he heard the sound. I grabbed a big note pad, and scribbled in big letters

Can we talk?

We all need a scene like the one in Taylor Swift's "You Belong with Me" music video. Now I had mine.

But wait. Doesn't that video end with a kiss?

In my ealier update I said I'd update by Tuesday. Here I am, updating an hour later. You're welcome :-). Please make sure to read that update, and vote for the cover of my new story! Please comment, vote and follow!


Number Nineteen (Mario Götze/Goetze/Gotze)Where stories live. Discover now