Chapter Thirty

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"Bold lip?"


"Killer outfit?"

"As killer as an outfit could be with this baby belly," I laughed as Lisa rolled her eyes.

Over  the past month, we had gotten super close as a result of the secret  she knew. I was grateful for a friend like Lisa: beautiful, kind,  caring.

She wasn't nearly as crazy as any of my other girl friends, but was always an incredible time.

"C'mon Lens, let's go. You don't want to be late for your own baby shower!"

I  sighed and glanced in the mirror again. My bump was HUGE and heavy. I  faced constant fatigue and out of breathness, and I was counting down the  days until I finally could give birth to the beautiful boy of mine.

Whose name I still hadn't decided.

April  was two months away, and Lisa and Lena had decided to throw me a  surprise baby shower. Except, Lena accidentally gave it away when she  asked me what I was doing today at five o' clock and to wear a cute  outfit and to come to her house--I was only ever invited there for  parties--alone.

The dress was actually white, but  it's tiny pattern of floral made it look like a pretty shade of blue. It  went down to almost my ankles and cut off at my elbows. Despite how  cold it was outside, the heat waves I was feeling weren't going away  anytime soon.

Lisa and I left the house and as we  went to her car, I saw Mario going over to his own. He glanced at me and  waved, a forced smile on his face. Though, I doubt mine was anymore  convincing.

He was dressed in a gray collared shirt with a black vest and dress pants, that..


They hugged his butt pretty damn nicely.

I wondered where he was going, but pushed the thought away as I reckoned it was a date with Julia.


Lisa's voice broke me out of my thoughts and she turned to see what I was staring at.
She sighed and took my hand.

"I'm sorry," she offered a smile which I gladly returned.

I watched as Mario's car pulled away, wishing my feelings for him could leave so quickly too.



I  was met by an echo of voices as I turned the knob to Lena's house. The  element reminded me of my coming home party from the hospital-- the one  where I found out about Julia.

My heart sank, but I mentally hit myself for always thinking of him.

Instead, I decided to focus on the positive.

The WAGs were all here, and even Julia had made it.

"Whoa there Logan, someone needs to lay off the cookies!"

The voice sounded like music to my ears and my smile immediately widened as I saw Maria, my childhood best friend.
She  was the only person who called me Logan, the name I'd told her was mine  when I first met her at tennis camp. At the time, I knew so many Lenas  and thought the name Logan was just so freaking cool.

Number Nineteen (Mario Götze/Goetze/Gotze)Where stories live. Discover now