Chapter Nine

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"What the hell was that?" Leo cried angrily once we were alone.

I had been so lost in thought, replaying Mario's words over and over again in my mind. It was nothing but a mistake..

And now this!

I groaned in frustration, wondering why things had to be so hard. I looked at Lio, and faked a puzzled expression.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently. Leo's eyes were fuming, and shit, it was scary.

"Don't play dumb with me, Lena Elisabeth Schmitd. Why were you with him?" I gulped..

What am I supposed to say? Oh, it was nothing. He was just telling me about how he knows we slept together. Yeah, no.

"Um.." Leo waited expectantly. I let out a sigh. Here comes another one of Lena's lies.

"I was going to throw you a surprise birthday party... I was asking Mario to invite the Germany team.."

It's kind of sad how easy it is for me to lie nowadays. I can say fibs with a straight face, looking directly into Lio's eyes.

And the girlfriend of the year award goes to...

"Oh, really?" Lio asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, of course. It was supposed to be..well.. a surprise, obviously."

I'm such a bad girlfriend. Lio deserves so much better then me. How did I even manage to get him in the first place? Him- famous footballer, me- me.

Lio scoffed and looked at the ceiling.

"My birthday was in June. It's August."

Think Lena, think.

"Well, yeah. That's why the party would've been such a surprise!"

Lies. All lies. I'm such a bitch. And by the way Lio's looking at me, he feels the same exact way. When did I get so low?

Oh right, the World Cup Final.

It all goes back to that night. That stupid, stupid, night.

It was supposed to be a great day. It was a great day... until Argentina lost. And then I kind of, sort of slept with the guy who caused Argentina to lose. Yay me!

Anyways, It hurts me to see Lio like this. His dark eyes are obviously angry, but underneath that, he's sad, and disappointed as well.

"I'm your girlfriend, don't you trust me?"

I mentally slapped myself. I can't believe I just played the girlfriend card.- and for evil purposes too.

If I'd only told Lio the truth at the start, maybe he would've forgiven me. It was, after all, nothing but a drunken mistake. But it's a little too late for that now.

"It doesn't feel like that anymore." Lio said slowly. I looked up. No, no, no, this can't be happening. F'ck.

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like you're not into me anymore. Like, you're into other guys, like Mario" I'm totally not into Mario. "When I saw you in that dress, I thought 'wow, my girlfriend is so beautiful.'" I blushed a bright red, "But why? Are you looking beautiful for me? Or for the guys I invited?"

Wait a minute... That son of a bitch! Now he's accusing me of dressing sexy for other men? The nerve of that asshole! I growled. Yes, growled. Lio groaned.

"Why are YOU mad? I'm the one that's basically been cheated on!" I was so angry, even though I really did cheat.. but he doesn't know that, and he's still pointing fingers (yeah, my logic makes perfect sense, shut up).

"Because of this! You're accusing me of cheating on you, because I'm dressed pretty! What the hell!" I exclaimed.

"I wouldn't have to accuse you of anything, if you stopped being a slut!" Oh my god, shit's about to go down.

"What did you call me?"

"You heard me, a slut!"

"Just cause I wear something sexy, I'm suddenly a slut?" I cried, throwing my arms in the air.

"There's other things too!"

"Like what!?!"

"Like... You're a lying whore!"

"You're a dumbass!"


"Douche bag!"


"Potato!" I spat.


"Yeah! you're a potato!"

"No, you're a potato!"

"You're the potato!"

And suddenly Lio's lips came crashing onto mine, as he pushed my body against the wall. He kissed me roughly, and I kissed back, grabbing onto his hair for support. We stayed like that for awhile, our tongues wrestling forcefully, both longing to win the battle. It's like all of our anger had been drained into this make out session, causing us to kiss so roughly and forcefully... and for some strange reason, I imagined it was Mario I was kissing, not Lio. The minute I thought of Mario, I put even more emotion into the kiss, pretending Lio's lips were Mario's sweet, plump ones.

When Lio finally pulled away for air, I longed for the feeling again. The problem is, it wasn't Lio's lips that I longed for. It was Mario's. But why? I don't like Mario! My mind, is just being an idiot. A stupid, bipolar idiot, that is confusing my love for Ma-Lio with Mario.

"Wow." Lio huffed out. I realized I was breathing heavily too. Damn. All of our emotion was put into that kiss, and now that it's over, and all of my anger is gone. It seems like Lio's fury has dissolved as well, for his eyes are warmer, and he's smiling. That's always a good sign.

Lip stared deeply into my eyes, and I suddenly felt awkward and uncomfortable, knowing I was captivating his mind. Usually, I'd stare right back at him, but right now, it just feels weird.

Maybe I'm drunk?

But I haven't had any alcohol.

Drunk in love?

Yeah, that's probably it.

But, my annoying conscience started, which guy are you drunk in love with?

My conscience is a stupid potato.

A:N: I realized I have my own strategy for writing. I lay in bed for hours, hatching new ideas for stories. Then I finally fall asleep, and write the actual chapters the next day.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to update tomorrow, because my family's going on some trip and were leaving early and coming home late-ish.

I know this wasn't a Mena scene, but it kind if was?

Lio was kissing Lena

Lena was technically kissing Mario?

Mario was eating a doughnut

I have steamy Mena scenes so don't worry :-)

and don't worry about Lio, he gets a happy ending too!

Mkay, bye. Hope you liked it!

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