Chapter Seventeen

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    I immediately regretted telling Lionel that Mario had caused my pain. I'm honestly worried about was he's going to do, because he can be the most overprotective boyfriend at times.

    I was still mad though, and worried that I'd do something inane. I really needed to be with someone, and since Lio's gone somewhere, I decided to call Sarah. I scrolled through my contacts until I found her name, and then called her.

     "Lena! Long time no talk!" she said after two rings.

   "Hey Sarah. Can we do something? I feel like I just went through a really bad break up, and I'm scared I'm going to do something stupid."

    "Oh my gosh, I'll be over in five!", and then she hung up.

    I took this as an oppurtunity to wash up. I redid my smeared makeup, and then changed into a blue dress and black combat boots. I looked in the mirror, and luckily I wouldn't have been able to tell I had been crying. The doorbell rang, and after one last look in the mirror, I trudged downstairs to the door.


     "Where are we going?" I asked Sarah once I entered her car. She was wearing a pink top with denim jeans, and though she tried hiding it, I could tell she was in a pretty good mood.

    "Rose's" she replied. Rose's? What the hell is that? It sounds like the name of a bakery, or maybe a perfume shop. After pomdering for a few minutes I finally asked Sarah what Rose's was.

    "Well, there's actually two Rose's here. One's a wedding shop and the other's a spa. I guess you can choose which one you want to go to." she said with a laugh. A wedding is honestly the last thing on ym mind right now.

     "The latter, definitely. But why are we going to a spa?" I asked. We could go anywhere- a restuarant, the mall, the park. Why a spa?

    "Because,  spa's reduce your stress hormone levels, boosts your immunity, they're great pain relievers, boosts your moods and relieves PMS symptoms!" she said enthusiastically.

     "And how do you know that?" I asked, raising my eye brows. Sarah shrugged.

    "I read it on the internet. It has to be true." I rolled my eyes and focused my eyes back on the road. I could see a small building painted white with pink details up ahead. A sign in front of it read Rose's Spa. Sarah pulled into the empty parking lot and stopped the engine.

    "Let's go!"


    The minute you walk into the building, you're hit with an incredibly strong aroma of lavender. The walls are a light shade of purple, and it seems like a cozy little place.

    "It looks neat." I said. "WHy is is empty?" Sarah grinned.

    "It's actually closed. They opened just for us!" she said witha twinkle in her eyes. These people are either really kind, or Sarah paid them a lot of money. Either way, I'm grateful. Just the sight of the spa seemed to relax me.

    A woman with short black hair approached us. She introduced herself to me as Leila, and then led us to a room in the back. There were two recliners with buckets of steaming hot water beneath them.

    "Take a seat", Leila instructed us. I did as told, and sat down on the comfy seat. Another woman entered and handed each of us a remote. It had six buttons: one with a sun, one with many dots, one that said "reset", one with a bell, one with power button. I clicked the power button on, and the remote blinked, a little green light popping up on top. I clicked the sun. At first nothing happened, but then I realized the chair was growing warmer.

    "This is amazing." I stated. Next, I clicked the button with the many dots, and the chair began vibrating. This one was anticipated, but it still felt great.

    "The rest button stops the controls you're on, and the power button is self-explanatory." Sarah said and I nodded.

     "The recliner doesn't run with electricity- it uses solar power. It's all charged, and that way you won't electrocute yourself when you se the water." the assistant explained. I dipped my feet in the hot water and relaxed.

    After ten minutes, we were moved to a bath filled with rose water, petals and bubbles. Sarah and I stepped into our separate tubs, and the water level rose a little. A TV I hadn't even noticed clicked on, and I realized Sarah was holding a remote. She grinned at me.

     "Gilmore Girls, Orange is the New Black or Cupcake Wars?"

     and that's how the OITNB marathon started. As I sunk back in the bathtub and closed my eyes, I could feel all my troubles slowly start washing away.


     After the baths, we each got a massage. Now we were at the final station: the Mani-Pedi. We were back in the recliner, with assistants standing around us doing our nails. I was getting maroon nails on my hands, and dark blue on my feet. Sarah was getting red on both her fingers and toes.

    "Are you ready to talk about what happened?" she asked. I gulped. This was the question I had been avoiding. Could I trust Sarah with the truth? The truth that I'm a stupid gold digging slut. Mario's words echoed through my mind. I shook them off. Maybe I'll tell her later, but definitely not now. Not with all these people around. I can't trust them; I barely know them. I shook my head.

    "That's fine. Just tell me when you're ready."

   "What about you? Why are you so jolly today?" I made a face. Did I just say jolly?

    Sarah blushed and let out a squeal.

    "I was looking for my locket in Basti's drawers, and I found an engagement ring! He's going to propose!" She exclaimed. So many emotions rushed through me. Envy, happiness, sadness, surprise. I was especially shocked that she'd admitted this in front of a bunch of women who might leak the news to the media.

    "Don't worry, I can trust them." she said as if reading my mind. I nodded, but I wasn't fully convinced. Just as the day seemed to be getting better, Leila switched on the Television; the news was on. Top story?

Lionel Messi has just been arrested.

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