Twenty Five || RS

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"Why its the same?" I questioned myself and took out my phone.

it was time when i left alone thinking i made a mistake.

"OMO AH!" i groaned out and looked down then felt a hand on my shoulder "i wont be regretting after cutting that up." i looked up and saw Seungcheol who freaked out.

"I was" making a happy face and i earned a slap from him "would ya stop that..u r freaking me out."

He sat by me and smiled "you know what? What's Jeonghan?? Angle-Devil!" he giggled and started to play with his fingers.

"You think i Should tell him? That im joking?? And i heck... Dont know the thing why the heck i really did that..maybe cuz i' jealous of everyone touching him...or what?" i said out and a smiled shown on Seungcheol's face and he showing me his phone.

"wa..wHATS THAT.!"

I clearly saw Seungcheol was on line with Jeonghan.

"You make him..glow-owww!!!" he ran out of breathe and i heard a loud gasp from the other side of the phone.

Seungcheol cut the call and ruffled my hair saying "you are jealous of hara again knowing she likes joshua?" cheol said and i looked at him with angry eyes.

"What to hide more now? Cheol-
Yeah! I do! I do! I do! I do! I thats a big fat jealousy," as i ended i heard someone giggling and turned back.

after a minute of staring at the figure i heard Seungcheol "look shes all red-"

i looked away from Jeonghan who was standing leaning against the wall and tried to go out but someone held my back and i saw Jeonghan was that again.

"My duty stops here...ima leaving ya both to pass a min of time..gotta dang..bye!" Seungcheol ran away and soon the place became with unknown awkwardness.

jeonghan let out a breathe and pulled my hair down suddenly "ouch!".

"why do you always like to do that? Have you ever thought what will go on me? Have you ever thought i can also like you? you thought i can be worried that i didnt eat for straight a week from then when dad said u lost memory and forgot me..only me?" he stopped and smiled "that did not happen-"

"i-i didnt! Mian-hae! YOU KNOW THO IM JEALOUS!" i shouted out and i felt someone hugging me.

"Sssh, move on..kid." he said and broke the hug suddenly.

As he began to walk away i came back in sense and my knees collapsed.

A/N: i wanna go vanish rn
Its known to be that i wont be able to update for some weeks more istg this book left some parts once I'm full free i Will be full done with this one and leave my weird writings back <33

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