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Tzuyu's POV

I opened my eyes seeing Mina was still asleep hugging me. I smiled and closed my eyes. My phone then suddenly vibrated. I picked up and heard an American voice. So I decided to speak back in English.

???- Miss Chou

Me- Yes?

???- This is Mr Wright the coach of Los Angels Lakers

Me- Oh hello sir

Wright- I heard from your previous Coach that you're very dedicated to basketball

Me- I am sir

Wright- That's good. That's why I'm happy you've agreed to come to play for us

Me- Sir I'm just as lucky. The Lakers is a really good team because they have a good coach

Wright- *Chuckles* Thank you, I try my best to help all my player to get their best performance

Me- I'm really looking forward to coming to play for you sir

Wright- And I'm looking forward to seeing you play

Me- Hehe, Sir I have to go get ready for classes...

Wright- Alright, I know the timezones are different. So go have a great day

Me- Bye sir and you have a great night

The call was cut off.

"Who was that?".

I turned my head to Mina who had just woken.

"Um, coach".

"Oh okay".

She laid back down.

"Are you really til that tired?", I asked.


"Mmmh I'll make us breakfast okay", I said pecking her forehead and got off the bed.

Mina's POV

A coach? You were speaking in English. And it's annoying I didn't understand. But she seemed so happy.  Maybe another girl. Has she found another girl? One that's prettier than me. I know it what a bad idea but I went on her phone. I went on Instagram. And saw she follows a girl name, Olivia Rodrigo. (Her song driver's License is so good btw)

 (Her song driver's License is so good btw)

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So an American girl. I went onto the messages and saw they have been speaking but I don't understand anything. I put her phone down.  Is this why you told me to take the chance with Lisa. Cause your speaking to another girl. I came off Instagram and turned her phone off and went onto mine. I searched up the girl's name and it came up with her as a singer. Guess having a famous girlfriend would be better right. Why do I care so much we're not even dating.


I put my phone down and Tzuyu gave me the plate.


"By any chance has my phone vibrated?", she asked.


Most probably waiting for a text from her.

"Okay, I'll be leaving now. Goodbye", she said and left.

Goodbye then.

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