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Tzuyu's POV

I've just got off my flight and I saw a guy waving at me. Maybe he's the guy that's meant to pick me up. I walked over to him pulling my headphones down.

"I'm Carson, I'm your personal bodyguard", he said and put his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Carson, I'm Tzuyu", I said shaking his hand.

"Well, since it's was dark, I suggest we get going right", he said.

"Yes, I think that's a reasonable thing to do. I'm tired", I said.

He chuckled.

"How was the flight?", he asked.

"It was alright, the aeroplane food sucks though", I said.

"I agree".


"So this is your home", he said.

"Thank you".

"Oh do I have to go to school first thing tomorrow?", I asked.

"Yeah, I've already got your timetable so here", he said handing me some paper.


"Goodnight Tzuyu see you tomorrow", he said bowing down to me and left.

Night Carson.

~Meahwile over in Korea ~

Mina's POV

"See Mina this is why you shouldn't have stayed out in the rain", Sana scowled me as I was coughing.

"I wanted to see her, but she moved", I said.

"And I don't know where and she's blocked me on everything!".

"Calm down you're ill", Sana said.

"No I'm not gonna calm down. I fucked it up with someone who is my first love!".

"Well when you are not ill you can go search for her", she said.

"I don't even know where to start", I said looking at her.

"Or if she'll ever forgive me", I said.

"Don't think too much. Just rest for now".


My eyes slowly closed.

Rental Girlfriend 4 1 Month [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang