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Mina's POV

Strange, Tzuyu's not answering her messages. I deiced to go to her apartment block since I was out. I knocked on her door no response. I knocked again, still no response. Is she not it? I figured out a way to unlock her door and entered.

Tzuyu's Apartment

I walked over to her bed and saw her lying on the bed beat.



"I know, just stay still", I said getting up.

"Just stay here".

I ran out and brought some bandaged and first aid stuff.

I undressed her. My mind wasn't thinking about her sexually, I just want to stop her from bleeding.

"Tzuyu who did this to you?", I asked bandaging her up.


"She said things...even when I know it's not true it annoyed me still", she said then winced in pain.

"What did she say?".

"That you used me to make Lisa jealous. Doing dirty things together...".

I finished patching her up and laid beside her.

"Never believe what she says", I said.

"Thank you".

"It's what friends are for", I said.

It hurt me saying, friends.

Tzuyu's POV

Freinds. That's all we are.

"I will stay till you can move again", she said.

"Okay, but I'm going to sleep now".


Mina's POV

I watched her fall asleep. 

"I hope you find someone you'll love".

"Goodnight baby", I whispered pecking her lip and closed my eyes.

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