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📍 Musutafu, Japan

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📍 Musutafu, Japan

📍 Musutafu, Japan

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"Just because you wear those gauntlets doesn't mean it'll make you the number one hero."


Bakugou stared down at the shorter male with a scowl on his face, "I've done the work, ok!?"

The boy took a breath before answering, "have you ever jumped on top of a grenade, Bakugou?"

"No I haven't jumped on top of a grenade, I'm not fucking crazy like you...but I'm going to stop being scared, I'll be like you and All Might and not be scared of anything," Bakugou had mumbled the last part of his sentence but (M/n) had heard him.

"Who said I wasn't scared?" The short (h/c) haired boy questioned. He was genuinely curious about where the other had learned this information.

"You fucking kill people! What do yo-" The ash-blonde started but was soon cut off.

"And I'm scared doing it, hard to believe, isn't it? If you're not scared of almost being killed when going out to kill someone then you aren't alive. Listen, Bakugou, you can't get rid of fear it's like Mother Nature you can't beat her or outrun her but you can get through it and find out what you're made of." Those words sunk in faster than they had left the boy's mouth. Bakugou is an independent individual but for some reason, he didn't want to argue. A burning sensation ran through his veins, a shiver going down his spine. This feeling was new, it was nothing that the great Katsuki Bakugou had ever experienced. Is this what it feels like to hate someone to an extreme point..? Whenever he's around Deku his heart doesn't skip a beat, he has the urge to rage, but when he's around (M/n) it's the opposite.

No, that doesn't sound right. Could it be...he's fell in love. No no no, that's not right! The great and mighty Dynamight would never fall in love especially with an idiot like (M/n)! Although he did like the way that (M/n)'s (h/c) fluffy hair frames his face beautifully. How his eyes only glimmered once in a while it was a rare sight but beautiful. How whenever he makes a smart comment it would usually end with a smirk but not a large smirk just one that was barely visible. Bakugou liked a lot about him but surely he wouldn't admit having feelings for him, I mean he's straight! Right..? Not exactly. Bakugou has never experienced much when it came to his sexual orientation. The boy has been focused on becoming a hero and not on relationships so he barely knows what he likes and what he doesn't.

"Bakugou..? Are you alright, it looks like you're burning up" a sudden voice peeps in. Heat rushes to said male's face as he shakes his head.

"Of course I'm fine, short stack!" The loud blonde yelled, the other male goes unbothered as he shrugs his shoulders. The (h/c) haired boy pushes past the other, neatly placing the book back into its original place. "I'm sleeping in your room." Bakugou huffed before leaving the library, (M/n) shrugged as he went back to looking for another book.

An hour of not being able to find a good book goes by so (M/n) decides to leave the library, silently closing the door behind him. As he walked into his room he notices a peaceful-looking Bakugou laying soundly asleep in his bed. (M/n) being (M/n) and not having actual human interaction as a teenager got in his bed as he would usually do, although he did make sure to stay on his side of the bed.


Both males ended up twisting and turning in their sleep and that's how they got into this position. (M/n) as laying on Bakugou's chest as his arms were wrapped around the other's waist in a protective manner. Bakugou lightly snored as (M/n) snuggled closer to his chest a small grunt leaving his mouth. Bakugou's eyes quickly open as the feeling of someone getting closer to him shot through his body, without a second thought he throws the other boy off the bed. (M/n) got up in a defensive manner before realizing that it wasn't an intruder, it was just the explosive blonde that took his bed last night. "Good morning, Bakugou. How'd you sleep?" He spoke as if he hadn't just been thrown off his own bed.

"Why the hell were we in the same bed!?" Blondie yelled

"Well it's technically my bed and I wanted to sleep there," The other male replied in a calm manner.

Bakugou won't admit it but he enjoyed the feeling of having the other boy lay in his arms. Maybe just maybe Bakugou really was falling for (M/n)..but what if he rejected the blonde..? No, it doesn't matter he doesn't need a lover or a companion anyway. They say young Bakugou looks just like his mother that he could never love somebody's daughter...so he vows to be his husband at the altar. "Want to go out for breakfast with me? Or we could train together or whatever" was this Bakugou's best attempt at flirting..? (M/n) only stared as if he had never been invited to do any of those things. "Short stack you don't have a choice in this anymore, you're hanging out with me today." Said male only shrugged in response, walking out of his room heading to God only knows where.

A few minutes go by before the shorter male came back, and in his hand is a stack of cash. "Here blasty, I don't eat breakfast so go get yourself something nice. Also, I already have plans for the day, you're welcome to come with me if you'd like but you'll have to wear a formal outfit like the last time," Bakugou visibly shivered at the mention of their last "meeting". "Oh, I forgot to mention when I say formal I mean traditional Japanese kimonos with matching samurai swords." Bakugou irked at the thought of having to wear something as cheesy as that but little did he know that appearance matters a lot to the group that they were going to see. "I'll give you some time to think about what you want to do," and with that (M/n) went to get ready.


After about an hour (M/n) came out in a black Kuro montsuki kimono, it was quite fitting as it looked snug on his body. Heat rushes to Bakugou's cheeks as his eyes ate up the view before him, surprisingly (M/n) didn't look intimidating at all he actually looks really cute. The blonde was taken from his thoughts as he heard a small grunt, "so did you decide whether you were coming with me or not?" Shit- Bakugou didn't even decide on an answer since he was so caught up in whether he had feelings for the shorter male, the conclusion he came to was that he was in fact not in love because no one will ever be good enough for him.


Bakugou's answer

Yes he'll go
No, he won't

𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 ⎯ 𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐆𝐎𝐔 𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now