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📍 Musutafu, Japan

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📍 Musutafu, Japan

📍 Musutafu, Japan

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"I'm sorry Batibat but you can't have a phone, not yet at least. When you guys get a little older I'll make sure to buy all of you one," (M/n) says as he takes Bakugou's phone from the small girl's hand.


(M/n) turns to Bakugou, handing over the cell phone, "Katsuki, Aizawa-Sensei said something about UA's annual sports festival taking place in a day or two, right?" (M/n) asks, his attention not being taken off of the child in front of him.

"Yeah, what about it, shithead?" The blonde answers.

"Bakugou please watch the children while I go talk to Ms. Toshiko" (M/n) says, getting up and walking towards the dining hall.

Bakugou stares at the group of kids dumbfounded, "oi brats! Get over here, I'm going to be telling you a story" The group of youngsters run towards the blonde, eyes sparkling as they rapidly sit around in a circle.

"Listen up brats. A couple lived with their only son in a house on the outskirts of the city of Spain. The boy's room had an old television which he would ask to be covered with a cloth every night as he went to sleep. One day, the father asked the boy why he wanted the TV covered at night. The boy said, "Because that's where they come from". The parents ignored the comment, thinking it was his imagination." Some of the children 'boo'ed the blonde but he still continued. "One night, the parents had to go out, so they hired a babysitter to stay with their son. When they returned later that night, they found the babysitter sitting outside the home, mumbling, "They took him away." Confused the parents rushed into the boy's room and found that the television cover was off...and the boy was gone!" Bakugou whispers the last sentence as he set off a small explosion, scaring all of the kids. They all scream and run in different directions, some of them too scared to move.

(M/n) and Ms. Toshiko rush out of the dining room, watching as Bakugou laughs his ass off. "Katsuki, what the fuck. I told you to watch them, not scare the living shit out of them.." (M/n) sighs, rubbing his temples. "Little ones it's okay.. nothings going to get you, Bakugou is just a big meanie," he says in a soft voice, calming the majority of the kids.

"Do you promise, nii-san?" one of the children asks,
wiping away their tears.

"Yes, I promise. If I ever see a monster I vow to slay it for you" (M/n) says with a closed-eyed smile, as the kids cheer happily. "Katsuki I swear to god if you ever scare these kids again I'll kill you." He growls loud enough for the blonde to hear.

"Everyone say goodbye to (M/n) and his friend, they have to get going but we'll see them again soon," Toshiko announces, smiling as the kids hug (M/n) and -attempt to hug- Bakugou. Lots of 'we love you' and 'slay the monsters' are shouted as the assassin and his accomplice walk out of the gates that surround the church.


"I hope you know that I'm going to beat you during the sports festival" Bakugou blurts out, glaring at an unfazed (M/n).

"I don't plan on participating so good luck" he replies, patiently waiting for the red light to turn green.


"You didn't actually think I was going to waste my time on an event like that, did you?" The assassin deadpans, his foot hitting the gas as if he's a street racer.

"WAH!! SLOW DOWN DUMBASS!!" The blonde screeches, his body flying forward and hitting the dash.

"I drive perfectly fine perhaps you should learn to wear a seatbelt like a proper human...I may be driving a bit fast but I do enjoy the risk." He responds, his voice getting quieter as he speaks. "Would you like me to drop you off at your family residence or are you going to staying with me again?"

"Like hell I'd be staying with you again! Those were the most miserable days of my life!" Katsuki huffs, crossing his arms over his -mommy milkers- chest.

"Bakugou you do realize staying was optional, right?"

"DROP DEAD, I KNEW THAT!!" The blonde yells almost busting (M/n)'s eardrums.

"Oh yes, I was aware that you knew" the (h/c) haired teen deadpans, rolling his eyes. "Still you didn't quite answer my question very clearly."


"Katsuki kindly shut the fuck up. I have a headache and you're making it worse."

"DON'T THINK YOU CAN ORDER ME AROUND SHORT STACK!" Bakugou shouts right into (M/n)'s ear, instinctively making the assassin jab him in the gut.

(M/n) sighs, shaking his head as he watches Bakugou slump over in pain, "I bet I can beat you in the quiet game."





'Ah, some peace and quiet. I do wonder how long he can last though... hm I guess I'll actually play by the rules' (M/n) thinks, his hands tightening on the wheel as he makes a sharp turn. To his surprise, the blonde hadn't yelled about how unsafe and reckless it is. 'I think I'm going to enjoy this.'

"You..suck..at..driving," a robotic voice says, making (M/n) glance at Bakugou to see the he had his phone talking for him. 'Not allowed' (M/n) signs, rolling his eyes.


"I win" (M/n) chuckles, a sly grin on his face.

"NO, I WANT A REMATCH!" Bakugou argues, his face turning red from his cheeks to the tip of his ears.

"What do I get if I agree?"

"To live another day!"

"Oh?, Darling, I have been waiting for the day that someone takes me out with a sniper, so that bargain has nothing to offer me" (M/n) sighs dramatically as he pulls into the driveway of the Bakugou residence. "Well, we are here so get out."

"Whatever you damn extra"

"Bakugou I know you didn't just call me an extra when I had to drive your ass here, no drivers license havin' ass. Now scoot along before I start calling you out on more shit."

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𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 ⎯ 𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐆𝐎𝐔 𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now