keeping up with the morons

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"I HATE YOU!!" Bakugou yells, throwing a pair of dice at Dabi

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"I HATE YOU!!" Bakugou yells, throwing a pair of dice at Dabi.


"Katsuki give Dabi your $200, you landed on his property" (M/n) deadpans, rolling his eyes at the two.

"NO! HE'S IN JAIL! IM NOT GIVING MONEY TO A CRIMINAL!" The blonde shouts, pointing at Dabi's board piece that so happens to be in jail.

"THAT'S NOT HOW YOU PLAY, DAMNIT!" Dabi screams, crossing his arms over his chest.

"(M/n)? Why is Dabi screaming?" Shōto asks.

"Shut the fuck up Shōto, you aren't gonna talk after stealing my last railroad" (M/n) says as he glares at the dual-haired moron.

"I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!" Dabi shouts at the top of his lungs.

Shōto agrees, continuing to yell, "ME TOO! YOU THINK I WANTED THIS!?"



"Hey, Shōto guess what," (M/n) says as he wraps his arm around Todoroki's shoulder.

"What now," the dual-haired male asks, preparing himself for an idiotic response.

"I'm not single I'm taken.."

"Oh, did you and Bakugou finally-" Todoroki starts, turning to stare at (M/n) with a surprised smile.

"Taking my own life~" (M/n) interrupts in a sing-song voice.

"THAT'S NOT FUNNY SHORT STACK!" Katsuki yells from the other room, trying to keep himself from laughing.

"In my world that was hilarious" (M/n) mumbles under his breath.

"(M/n) please stop making self-harm and suicidal jokes, they're not funny" Shōto sighs knowing that (M/n) won't stop anytime soon.

"Fine, I'll cut it out.. if you know what I mean, " (M/n) laughs but gets no reaction from Todoroki, "oh come on! That deserves a little bit of attention!"

"(M/n) it really isn't funny anymore" Dabi comments as he turns the corner.

"Dabi shut the fuck up before I un-staple your skin again" (M/n) threatens as he glares in Dabi's direction.

"If I had a nickel for every time you've done that I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice."

Shōto stared at the two silently as he wondered whether or not he should say something. "Wait a damn minute!-" Katsuki starts as he runs into the kitchen, "let me get this straight, you detached his skin twice?! And on top of that, you did it without me both times!?"



A doctor walks into the room, a sour look on his face as if he's about to give out bad news, "I'm sorry guys, there's nothing we can do left. We're going to have to pull the plug."

"Oh my god...oh my god. Can I do it!" Shōto practically yells in the doctor's face.

"What?" The doctor asks stunned by the reaction.

"Can I pull the plug-" the youngest Todoroki goes to repeat but is interrupted.

"Hey no I wanna pull the plug-" Natsuo says as he pushes Shōto aside.

"No fuck you, I get to do it!" Dabi yells from behind his white-haired brother.

"This is bullshit I wanna do it!" (M/n) shouts as he jumps up to get the doctor to notice him.

"No! I'm the oldest I should get to do it!" Dabi protests.

"I'll thumb wrestle you for it," (M/n) suggests, pulling Dabi's hair to get his attention.

"Fine let's go bitch."

"One two three four I declare a thumb war!" They both shout their thumbs fighting to pin the other down.

"I- Are you two serious?" The doctor asks as he watches the two thumb wrestle.

"You don't even stand a chance!" Dabi says as he tries to pin down (M/n) thumb.

"Oh, you're going down!" (M/n) says determined to win. "Onetwothreefour! Yes! I won bitch! Suck it!"

"Ugh! Damnit!" Dabi groans, facepalming.

"Alright now, where's that plug? Where's that plug? Where's that mother fuckin' plug?!" (M/n) says excitingly, jumping up and down.

"Do you have any respect?" The doctor asks, watching in disbelief as (M/n) jumps around with enthusiasm.

"No, I have zero respect," Rei says with a sadistic smile.

"We have zero," Natsuo says, agreeing with his mother.

"I have no respect" (M/n) pipes up, patiently waiting to pull the plug.

"I have nothing" Shōto comments, jealous that he's not the one to end Endeavor.

"He didn't even do anything to me but I also have no respect" Bakugou chimes in, finally making everyone turn to look at him.

"I can't even believe this-" the doctor says, shaking his head.

"Yeah me too. Alright let's get this show on the road I have leftover lasagna at home and it's got my name on it!" Dabi remarks, rubbing his hands together.


Well that's it for this chapter I'll try and get on with the sports festival arc but until then I probably won't update. Anyway, thank you guys so much for all the support! <333

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