Ch 2 Hands Off!!!

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What was that? It felt weird when he touched me. I don't know what it was, but it gave me goosebumps. Ggrrrr. Calm down Rae, calm down. What a way to start my first day.

"Good morning class. Before we start our lesson, let me introduce to the class our transfer student. Rae, you may now come in," Ms. Rica said in front of more or less 40 students.

"Hi everyone :) I'm Rae Shin, I came from Japan, turning 17 this year, please take care of me," I smiled. The students were somewhat, I don't know, just staring at me.

"Okay class, you can ask Rae anything you want to know about her," Ms. Rica suggested.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" "Where do you live?" "What's your phone number?" some boys kept on asking.

"How do you keep your hair so straight and shiny? Is the color of your hair natural?" "What's your cup size?" "Are you wearing make up today?" some girls inquired, giggling.

"Quiet down class. Your questions are all too personal, you should just ask that to Rae in person. Go on Rae, there's an empty seat in front of the black-haired boy back there," Ms. Rica said, smiling to me while pointing at the empty seat at the farthest back beside the window. Perfect, that's always my favorite spot in class. I bowed down to my homeroom teacher and went straight at the back as the students followed me with their stares.

I comfortably sat down and hung my bag on my armrest and started to listen to the teacher's lecture. I enjoyed the class until it was already lunch break. My classmates started going out of the room and the others stayed, taking out their lunchbox and eating with their group.

"Hey, do you have food for lunch?" I heard the boy sitting behind me asked while yawning. I looked behind and saw the same boy I met early in the morning. I was surprised he's my classmate. He made me blush at his cute carefree face.

"Uh, I don't have, why?" I asked confused.

"Let's go then," he stood up and grabbed my hand again, leading me out of the room. Oh gosh, there it is again, that weird feeling- something like a spark or electric waves.

"Where are you taking me?" I protested while being dragged somewhere.

"Obviously, to the school cafeteria," he answered with the isn't-it-obvious tone. I just followed him until we reached our destination. I didn't notice that we were still holding hands until someone said so.

"Whoah Jimin, you're already holding hands with the transfer student, that's fast huh?" a tall boy with bangs that looked like it was accidentally cut or something, teased us. I turned red at what he said, I immediately grabbed my hand from his hold.

"Stop it V, you're embarrassing her," the boy called Jimin pushed the other boy slightly, making his way to the counter. He asked me what I want to eat and bought it for me. I refused but he insisted. He lead me in an empty table and we sat there with our food.

"By the way, this is Taehyung, he's also our classmate, we call him V for short because Taehyung is just too long," the boy introduced. Taehyung or V shook my hand and smiled widely.

"And I'm Jimin, in case you still don't know my name," he said and held a hand to me.

"Nice meeting you too, my name is Rae Shin, just call me Rae or Shin or Rain, or whatever you like," I shook both their hands- cold hands- and chuckled.

"I'll just call you Rain then, because I like the rain, hehe," V said chuckling. "Rae is fine with me," Jimin just said, munching on his club sandwich like he's very hungry. V kept on texting while eating.

"Yoh! You didn't wait for us!" a bubbly guy came to our table with 4 other boys behind him. "Oh! Who's this chick?" the same boy went to my side and stroke my long, metal-green hair. Yes, my hair is metal-green, and it's natural.

"Yaaaah Hobie! Don't do that!!!" Jimin suddenly exclaimed making the taller boy step back from surprise. I, too, was shocked at Jimin's aggressive interruption.

"Jin hyung-ah!!! Little Jiminnie is yelling at me!!!" the boy Jimin called Hobie, started childishly clinging to another taller boy he called Jin. That handsome Jin went to Jimin and knocked his head, making Jimin curl like a ball.

"Didn't I tell you to respect your hyung? You little brat," Jin scolded Jimin before he scooted beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Why do these guys feel they're close to me already?!

"Stop that now, you all act so childish, grow up," now another boy with silvery-white hair interrupted. His voice was so deep and commanding that all of us bowed our heads down.

"Hey beautiful lady, what's your name?" Jin, who was comfortably wrapping his broad arms around my shoulder asked, and now he's stroking my jawline with his long index finger.

"Jin-hyung! No, please!" Jimin once again protested, but his voice is a lot more begging than annoyed.

"Isn't it rude that we haven't introduced ourselves to this pretty lady in front of us?" a snow-white boy sat in front of me and smirked.

"Ah that's right. By the way, I'm Jin, Kim Seok Jin for long, a senior," he said beside me without removing his arm.

"And I'm Min Yoongi, a senior too, call me Suga or Yoongi if you prefer," the one in front of me offered his hand for a shake and I took it. His hands are incredibly cold, just like Jimin and V. And I noticed it too with Jin, cold skin. I smiled at him nervously.

"Kim Namjoon here, senior, call me any name you want," the silvery-white haired one said monotonously.

"Hi milady, Jung Hoseok here, I can be your angel and your hope throughout high school," the bubbly boy smiled widely at me and pinched my cheek. Again, cold fingers.

"Jin-hyung, don't take her all to yourself, let me share with you," the last boy who came stood behind me and pulled me over to him, making me stand in front of him. From behind, he hanged his long arm on my right shoulders and leaned his head on the left. Oh my! He's warm, his body is hot. What's wrong  with the other guys? Only one of them is warm? My head is so full right now. First, I met Jimin who sent electric shocks throughout my body when he touched me, second I met these beautiful creatures who have cold skins, third being treated special by these guys and all the skinship they are giving me... With all the things that are happening all at once, my mind can't comprehend anymore.

"Gaaaaah!!! Jeon Jungkook!!! Hands off! She's mine!" Jimin once again pulled me to him and hid me behind his back. Say what? Did someone just claimed me to be his?

"Relax Jimin, I'm just being friendly here, it's not like she's your girlfriend anyway, right?" Jungkook said with a grin and patted Jimin's head, as if provoking him. Jimin gave the taller one a death glare and before anything else can happen, the bell rang.

~ what'll you do if you were put in this kind of situation? How will Rae react to what she'll know soon?

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