Ch 7 Unlucky Day

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As Rae started to feel her consciousness fading, she felt herself fall to someone's strong arms. In one blink, the shadow of a man appeared before her. As blood dripped down from her head down to her left eye, she smiled at the sight of Jimin's worried face and with his husky voice, she repeatedly called out Rae's name until she passed out.

Rae woke up from the smell of disinfectant and medicine around her. She opened her eyes slowly to see a dimly lit room, only the light from a table lamp gives her eyes a way to see around. She realized she's in a hospital room when she saw these dextrose connected to her. In her surprise, Rae couldn't move. Her body stings of pain, she has a fractured rib and her waist felt like it's going to disconnect when she tried to move. She can only make small movements with her hands and arms. When she tried to stretch her arms up, she noticed that someone's holding on to her hand, but she didn't feel it. She may move her hands but she couldn't feel anything, it was numb against the unbearable pain of her half body.

Rae started to sob, then streams of tears flowed down her eyes. She didn't know what happened, she doesn't know what to do, and she doesn't know what will happen to her. Thinking about these sorts of things, she's about to lose herself and cried out loud, waking Jimin up beside her.
"Rae! Are you okay? How do you feel?" Jimin almost jumped up upon hearing Rae's loud cry and immediately comforted her.
"J-Jimiiiin!!! What happened to me? I can't move! I can't feel my hands! Jimin help meeee!" Rae begged while crying heavily. Jimin held on to her hand and squeezed it. He doesn't also know what to do. Well, he knows a solution to easily heal Rae from the damages inflicted to her, but he doesn't want to resolve to that, 'cause what he knows might change Rae's friendship towards them.
"Don't worry, I'm just here, I won't leave your side until you completely heal, I promise," Jimin assured her. Rae was somewhat relieved when she felt Jimin's lips on her forehead as he wiped her tears with his thumb.
"Ho- how did you find me?" Rae remembered what happened when she was attacked, she remembers the voice of that person, and she also remembers calling out Jimin's name in her despair. She just can't remember how Jimin found out where she was and appearing suddenly in time to save her.
"I don't know either. I just thought I heard your voice, I heard you call my name. So I decided to see if you got home safely. As I got nearer and nearer to where your house is, I heard screaming and crying, and there I saw you. I just don't know who made this horrible thing to you, I'm sorry if I came late and if I couldn't protect you, I'm really sorry," Jimin explained as his face turned red with embarrassment and sadness.
"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. Maybe I was just pranked by someone I don't know, it's just my unlucky day today," Rae tried to chuckle, despite knowing that her attacker has a grudge on her.
"No! This is not just a prank! You could've died if I came later! I swear I'll find the person who did this to you and make them pay for it!" Jimin's voice is stern and heavy, he is angry and his eyes were about to turn red, but he turned his back for Rae not to see. Vampires' eyes usually turn red when they get mad.
"Think positive will you? Although I feel pain right now, I believe I'll be okay soon, so don't worry too much, especially that you're here, I feel safe," Rae uttered in her sweet voice which made Jimin calm down. Jimin's love for Rae just keeps on growing. Rae could calm his raging heart and make a bad day good. Although Rae doesn't remember him at all, he promised himself he would never let Rae go again and he would protect her the best he could, from now on.

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