Ch 5 Rumors

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The rumor about Jimin and Rae dating spread so fast like fire, arousing interest from all the student body in the school. Jimin, being one of the school's idols, who wouldn't be interested in his love life, right? The school paper editor even published a mini article regarding Jimin and Rae sleeping in class holding hands, with a photo of them as evidence. It's barely 2 months since Rae transferred in Crimson Phoenix and now she'll be facing bullying like she never experienced before.

Walking along the corridor going to her locker, Rae's head is bowed down, not wanting to see other student's in the eyes. She can hear people sharing whispers, her name slipping out from their filthy mouths. She just continued walking, faster and faster, not wanting to hear anymore of their judgments. She reached her locker, unlocked it and grabbed her books immediately when a piece of crumpled paper fell down on the floor, catching her attention. She picked it and unfolded it, reading what it was written there. Upon reading, she crumpled it again then threw it in the trash bin, ignoring whatever it was written.

She reached her classroom, but as she opened the door, a small pail with a handful of white powder poured all over her, covering her head and shoulders white. She was met with laughters from the culprits but decided to ignore it instead. She walked in and sat down in her seat, releasing a very deep sigh that echoed through the almost empty room, except with 5 or 6 other students aside from her. Her shoulder was met by a cold hand that tapped them slightly. Rae looked at the hand first, before looking up to see who it was, only to find an eye-smiling Jimin who seemed to be emanating an air of I-don't-care-about-them feel. Jimin held her hand and lead her to the girl's comfort room, locking the door behind them. Without a word, Jimin brushed off the white powder on her blazer then wiping them off with his handkerchief. He tousled Rae's hair to wag off the remaining dirt from it, then combing it straight with his fingers. Rae just stood there, burning her cheeks red as her heart beats furiously with Jimin's thoughtful actions.

They walked back together to class like nothing happened. As usual, the other students in the room reacted to them being so natural around each other. Of course, it only made them more frantic about Rae.

"Just ignore them, okay? They won't get anywhere with spreading malicious rumors," Jimin said, holding Rae's hand. Both of them looked in each others eyes and smiled. They both know about the dating-rumors spreading and they both know that it's not true... Well... Just quite not true, since both of them know nothing about each others feelings.

During lunchtime, Jimin and Rae went to the cafeteria without V. It's nearly a week since V started to ignore the two for unknown reason. He'd come in class late, then get out of class earlier. V hasn't been answering Jimin's calls. Completely no communication. In the cafeteria, they met the others after a week as well. The 7 boys were complete again. Jimin and Rae went to the table where the others were.

"Hey! Long time no see! Feels like a year since I last hang out with you guys," Jimin greeted and made their handshakes. V was just silent eating his meal.
"Yeah, we were busy in class, unlike students in class A, people in class D, E and F needs to study more to pass, and considering teachers really love to make us do a lot of unnecessary projects," Hoseok complained, his face seemed to be really annoyed. Class sections are based on rankings, so if you're in class A, like Rae, Jimin and V, they probably have a very high ranking or grades. In class B, they are the above average ones, Namjoon and Jin are in that class. Many people say that Namjoon is a genius, but he barely tries to make an effort to do what's required, and he slacks a lot that's why he was put in that class. Well, for some reason, Hoseok who's competing against Namjoon in ranking, was only in class D. Hoseok, Jungkook and Yoongi are all in that class, and that makes the three of them suffer all together. Well, saying goes, "that's what friends are for".

"By the way, we heard about the rumors. So you two are already going out?" Jungkook suddenly butted in, asking it straight without batting an eyelash. Rae almost choked on her food and blushed like crazy. She wasn't expecting Jungkook to ask that so suddenly.
"Ah! No! No! We're not dating or anything, that was just a misunderstanding," Rae instantly denied, shaking her head side to side. Jimin didn't react though, he just continued munching his burger. "Right, Jimin?" Rae hit Jimin on his side with her elbow, expecting a response from him, "Ah yeah, that was reeeeeeeally nothing," he said insincerely.
"Ah that's good to hear from you," V unexpectedly uttered, gaining everyone's attention to him in surprise that he talked finally. "What? Did I say anything wrong?" he raised his eyebrow.
"At least we heard your side of the story, it's clear to us now," Jungkook answered and stared at Rae in front of him, mischievously.
"Ah- yes... Haha, crystal clear," Rae nervously chuckled as she can feel Jungkook's stare piercing through her soul. Knowing Jungkook, he can express his feelings quite boldly, as if fearing nothing. Rae thought to herself "where is he getting all that confidence from?"

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