Side Story - Rae's POV

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"Mommy! Daddy! Where are you?" It's already quarter to 10 in the evening and I woke up because mom and dad were not yet at home. Usually they'd be the one to send me to sleep but now I fell asleep on the sofa waiting for them. We live quite deep into the woods and since I'm worried about my parents, I went outside to search for them. I was not afraid of the forest and the animals that co-exist with us, in fact, the forest is like my fortress, like a playground, my home.

I always wondered, what are my parents doing in the middle of the night? Why do they sneak out when I'm asleep? I never asked them, because whatever they do for a living, I have to respect it and be thankful that we are alive and are able to eat more than 3 times a day and we can go to any place we want. I have quite a luxurious life, thanks to my parents. I don't even care that we live deep in the forest, away from the civilization, I just don't mind at all. But one night when I went out to look for them, all my questions were answered.

Behind an old big oak tree, I hid myself and observed. Quite far from where I saw my mom standing, with her foot stepping on something or someone, I saw an animal, like a wolf, a big one, black and brown beside her. The huge wolf growled at the thing below them and without any guilt in their eyes, the wolf ripped off the head of the man with it's chainsaw-like teeth. The head flew off the air, blood painting the moon red as my eyes followed where the head went off. As the head of what seemed to be a man hang in the air before it reached the moisty ground, my eyes widened as it met the eyes of the beheaded man, big and scary scarlet red eyes as if directly staring back at me, as if it's still alive and in any moment it will fly towards me. The terror I felt was so great, I trembled where I stood and screamed at the top of my lungs. My screams echoed through the forest in the silence of the night, the birds and other animals scrambled around to seek for a safe place while I was still at my place, shivering and crouching in fear.

A hand held my shoulder but I shoved it away and crawled away from the person. Only to find out it was my mother trying to calm me down. She carried me and hushed me, rubbing my back soothingly as I cried continuously. That terrible night ended with me not knowing how it ended. The next day, my mother told me everything. They were....

Vampire Hunters, as they call themselves. They hunt down and kill Vampires who still eat/drink human blood despite the treaty signed by both human and vampire representatives a long time ago. I was only 6 that time, but I was already exposed to such an exclusive secret only known to the parties involved. My parents were known as two of the greatest vampire hunters there was and they work for a certain organization in charged of maintaining the balance between humans and vampires.

From then on, at my young age, I kept my parents' profession a secret from everybody, but I'm not disappointed or anything about them, in fact I'm quite proud, but it is not something I could just boast about because not all humans know that vampires still exist. Despite the fact that my parents were vampire hunters, my mother told me not to be afraid of those creatures because not all vampires are dangerous. There are still vampires who are good beings, they assured me that when the time comes that I would meet a vampire, my heart would be able to tell if that vampire is good or bad. And just as I was told, the day I met a vampire came. That day was when I was seven.

It was a night with a bright blue moon above the sky. I wondered through the forest because I heard a distant cry of someone who seemed to be in pain. I traced the dark path from where the sound was coming from and there in front of me lied a boy who was bleeding profusely. I knew there and then that the boy was a vampire because of the same scarlet red eyes and fangs that protruded from his mouth. I knew that the little vampire in front me was innocent and he desperately needed help. I knew that boy, even if he was a vampire, would die from the wound inflicted to him because of too much blood loss. I felt in my heart that I needed and wanted to let that vampire live. He looked really helpless but he was still holding on to his dear life, so I offered him my blood. I don't know why but I wasn't afraid of him, instead pity took over me. Once he dug his fangs on my neck, it left a lingering pain in me that I would never forget. The next day, I no longer saw that vampire boy again.

Something came up with our family and we needed to transfer to Japan. For some unknown reason, I just forgot about the boy I saved and all about the vampires who live among humans and about my parents' job. But... Now that something life-threatening happened to me recently, all those forgotten memories rushed through my head like a tidal wave. Now what? My peaceful and ordinary life turned up-side-down in a blink of an eye. How will I catch up with all of these sudden events that keep on coming my way? Can I still accept Jimin and the others despite knowing their true nature? I don't know myself. Let's just see how I'll handle this soon...

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