Ch 17 Unhappy

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**Whoah! I didn't know this story has already reached 100k+ reads! Thank you very much for still reading even if I haven't updated for much too looooong!
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I'm trying to rekindle the motivation I had when I first started writing this... So please stay put and keep reading (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ**


Rumors do spread so fast like fire. The news that Jimin and Rae are now dating is the new talk of the whole school. All of Jimin's fans are sulking with jealousy over the girl that totally took his heart. But nonetheless, those fan girls can't do anything but to just sit back and watch their idol Jimin get all over his new girlfriend, showering her with all the attention that everyone wanted, kissing her in public like they're the only people in the school. Everyone can see that the two lovebirds are happy with each other, and if only everyone knows how these two people came together, they'll understand better why they're so happy in each others embrace.

However, not all people can be so understanding. Not all people can just give up on their idol, their love or even their dream. Sometimes these people eaten by envy and malice can do the most hateful things towards their object of anger.


"Baby, I'll be waiting for you by the gate, okay?" Jimin said as he kissed Rae on her forehead. Rae was on cleaning duty, together with 3 or 4 more girls in her class.

"Yes baby, I'll be there in a bit," Rae replied and waved back at Jimin, smiling, as he walked along the hallway.

"Rae, could you please stop staring off into space and start cleaning the blackboard," one of the girls said in a sarcastic tone while towering over Rae. The rude girl was really tall for a young lady, about a foot taller than Rae. You could see that she is a volleyball player based on her jersey jacket.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Y-yes I'll clean now," Rae averted her gaze from the giant girl in front of her and started cleaning off the blackboard full of writings. After, she also dusted off the teacher's table while the other two girls were sweeping off the classroom floor. Rae noticed that the tall girl and one other were nowhere to be found. "Must have skipped cleaning," she thought to herself.

After just a mere 10 minutes, Rae and the others were done with their cleaning duty for the day. The other two girls with Rae said their goodbyes to each other while Rae was left behind to close the windows and door. As she was about to go out of the classroom, the door was blocked by the tall volleyball girl, and the other girl was sitting on the chair near the door, with her legs crossed.

"Uhmm.. Sorry, can I please pass?" Rae said politely at the one blocking the door. Her head bowed down, avoiding each of the girls' glares.

Then suddenly, the girl sitting on the chair kicked Rae on her stomach, making her crouch in severe pain. The taller girl in jersey jacket stomped her foot on Rae's head, her face crashing down on the cement floor, making her face bruise and bleed.

"W-why are y-you d-doing thi-" Rae has not even finished her sentence when the shorter girl who kicked her first, grabbed her hair and smashed her head on the teacher's table, forehead hitting the edge of the table. Blood gushing out of her forehead and dripping down her pale skin, staining her white blouse and floor.

The two girls were not talking, but their evil glares stung like knife to Rae. Their deadly stares say that they are unhappy about something. Rae doesn't even know these two, she doesn't know their names but she knows that they're her classmates. She has noticed these two girls were always together, always sitting on the farthest back of the classroom.

"What have I done again to deserve this? Jimin..." Before Rae passed out, she thought of Jimin, and the last thing she saw was the two girls walking out of the classroom and the sound of door being locked.


"Rae! Please wake up..." Rae flinched when she heard a very familiar voice whisper, while holding her hand in a tight grip. She looked to her side to see Jimin, with Taehyung and Jungkook sitting on the couch on one corner of the room. She just noticed she's in a hospital room, yet again. How many times has she been here in this same hospital? The doctors and nurses must already know her.

"Rae..." Jimin smiled and sighed a relief as he gently embraced his girlfriend in his arms. Rae hugged him back with her still weak arms.

"Who did this to you babe?" Jimin's once kind and tender eyes glistened with redness, showing his remorse towards Rae's situation that he was not able to prevent.

"I-... I don't know..." Rae averted her gaze on to the window beside her bed, making Jimin even more worried. He knows Rae is just trying to protect those people, she doesn't want any bloodshed because of Jimin's anger. But Rae should know better, that when you anger Jimin, no one, not even the most big shot person in the world would be safe from his firing rage.

"I understand babe, just please take a rest, I'll just be here by your side if you need anything," Jimin kissed her forehead and fixed the stray hairs off her face.

"Babe..." Rae tugged on Jimin's shirt.


"Kiss me... Please?"

Surprised but delighted, Jimin gently pressed his lips on Rae's soft, but slightly cut lips. They exchanged light kisses for a good few seconds until they heard a coughing sound behind them. Only to see Jungkook and Taehyung pretending to be asleep.

Rae and Jimin chuckled. "Good night baby, I love you," Jimin said as he sat on the chair beside the bed again, while still holding on to Rae's hand.

"I love you more."

Rae drifted off to sleep. On the other hand, Jimin was thinking of ways on how to find the perpetrators behind Rae's condition once again. He would seek revenge, regardless of what may happen to him, or to the people that did this thing to his beloved. Revenge is all he's thinking of as of this very silent moment.


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