Ch 6 Trouble

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It's a normal Friday for Rae who's been suffering from frequent, but not too harsh bullying from her school mates in Crimson Phoenix High, for almost a week now. She'd hear people loudly speaking about how much of a bitch she is, right in front of her face. She'd be tripped when walking, or locked in the cubicle of the comfort room, or have her things stolen and be found in the trash bin. Things like that, didn't quite affect Rae at all, because the seven idols were always on her side, cheering her up and finding ways to make her smile and laugh.

"Always remember we're just here, you don't need to feel alone and suffer alone," Jin said, comforting Rae with a hug.
"I told you we should just kick their asses off, those snotty bitches who know nothing but to publicly show off their insecurities, what a pain in the ass, tch," Namjoon violently suggested. He really is the representation of wrath.
"You know Rae doesn't want to take revenge, right? She's as pure hearted as the angels, she'll never want to hurt anyone," Hoseok responded with his always bright smile on his face. They all wanted to get back to those bullies, but Rae would always remind them to let them be. She believes that they will eventually get tired of it.
"By the way, sorry Rae, I wouldn't be able to walk with you home after class, I have errands to do," Jungkook said while patting Rae's head gently. They live just a few blocks from each other, so everyday they would walk home together.
"Don't worry, it's okay. I'll definitely be fine," Rae smiled at Jungkook and held the hand that's patting her head. They grew close to each other in just a few months. Well, it was easy for Rae to be close to the boys because of her unusual beauty, and above all, her unusually attractive scent.
"You sure? Just be safe okay?" Jungkook embraced Rae. Rae doesn't particularly harbor special feelings to anyone of the boys, but it would always make her blush whenever any of them would hug or kiss or touch her. It's normal for any normal girl in her teens to feel those kinds of emotions.

After class, Rae and the others all walked together except for Jungkook. The 6 boys walked Rae to the nearest neighborhood, but still quite far from her house.
"Bye Rae, see you tomorrow," Jimin run back towards Rae when all the others were already a bit far from them.
"Bye Jimin, walk home safe, okay?" Rae smiled at him. Without notice, Jimin embraced Rae and kissed her forehead, making Rae's heartbeat race and blood rushing through her cheeks. She can smell Jimin's perfume because of how close they are to each other. She closed her eyes and savored his scent to her nostrils, she wanted to cuddle more but Jimin pulled out from his embrace then run back to where the boys were waiting.

As Rae walked towards her direction, a smile crept silently on her sweet face as she remembered Jimin's scent and his embrace. The sun began painting the sky with the zesty color of orange as it sets down on the west. Rae is walking on an empty street just a few blocks from her house when suddenly, she felt nervous and scared that it seems someone or something's following her. She hastened her pace, walking so fast as if already running. When she reached a street corner, she tried to hide herself to see who or what's following her when in a blink of an eye, she found herself pinned on the wall with a hand gripping her neck. Shocked as she was, she wasn't able to talk or move, her heart was racing because of fear. What she saw in front of her frightened her like she never ever felt before.
"Wh- who are y-you?" Rae struggled to catch her breath as the person's hand tightened around her neck. Due to the darkness brought by the night sky and the street lights being out, Rae couldn't see the person's face.
"Didn't I warn you before to watch out? But you just ignored, so this is what you get," the person wearing a black hoodie had eyes as red as blood and fangs as sharp as blade. Rae recalled receiving a crampled letter which says WATCH OUT in capital letters, but she just threw it in the trash bin. Before she could even talk back, Rae was effortlessly thrown on the side, making her fly a few meters away from the assailant. Once again she struggled to stand, or at least to creep away from the person who caused the stinging pain in her body right now, but the person was too fast. Rae was stepped on her back, her stomach on the ground, she was repeatedly kicked on her side until it aches like hell.

"How dare you! Bitch! Stay away from them! You don't deserve their attention! Get lost! Nooooow!" while being kicked and cursed by the assailant, Rae confirmed that the person is a girl because of her voice. She thought she recognized the voice but can't remember where she heard it. Rae's mind started to spin, feeling dizzy and hurt, all she thought was the boys. Where are they when I need them? She asked in her head. Her body feels numb and sore, her eyes began to blur, before she could pass out, the only name she could call out is "Jimin".

"Jimin," Rae whispered in between her heavy breathing. She crouched in pain, tears streaming down her cheeks. The girl grabbed Rae on her collar and raised her up, staring at her eyes with rage, displaying her sharp fangs in front of her as if wanting to devour her. Terror drowned Rae at the sight of her attacker, she was really scared to die, just thinking about it made her weak to her knees. As she felt her consciousness fading, she felt herself fall to someone's strong arms.

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