Ch 8 Heal Me

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It's been 3 days since Rae went to the hospital. Her wounds and fractures have not healed yet and the doctor said it will be hard for Rae to recuperate. All the 6 boys have been visiting Rae everyday, but Jimin hasn't left Rae's side for three days straight. He didn't go to school too, he just doesn't want to leave Rae at all.

"How do you feel now Rae? Feeling better?" Jungkook went to Rae's bedside while peeling off a green apple. Rae still can't move her body because of her fractured pelvic bone, but she could still use her hands and arms, and turn her head from left to right.
"Yeah, feeling better. Thanks for coming here to feed me an apple a day, although it's not keeping the doctor away," she looked at Jungkook and chuckled, her face getting brighter everyday. He gave Rae a piece of the apple and tousled her hair, making them laugh together.
"How are you Rae? I brought a basket of fruits," V came in rushing at the door. What he saw first thing was Jungkook feeding Rae a piece of the green apple. V felt a sting in his chest, a feeling he's not sure of.
"Oh V! You're here, thanks for coming today too. What fruits do you have?" Rae greeted V who was dumbfounded at the door.
"Ah- I have grapes, oranges, strawberries and bananas. What do you want to eat?" V smiled and went to Rae's side.
"Ooooh! I wanna eat strawberries!" Rae said excitedly. She just loves the sweet taste of them. V prepared the strawberries in a bowl and grabbed a chair, sat beside the bed and ate strawberries with Rae.
A moment later, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok came with a bouquet of fresh yellow, white and pink roses. Rae loves those colors of roses, more than the red ones. Jin came last, a little later because he cooked Rae's favorite dish, beef bulgogi, with other side dishes. The 8 of them ate all together in the private room that Jimin got for Rae. This time, Jimin was the one feeding Rae with bulgogi and rice. After eating and chatting, Rae finally rested and the boys went in silent mode.

Outside Rae's room, Jungkook confronted Jimin, almost whispering to each other as they talked.
"Let her drink it, I know it will heal her instantly. I don't wanna see her suffer anymore, please," Jungkook pleaded, holding Jimin on both of his shoulders.
"I know, I also want her to recover as soon as possible, but I can't let her drink it. It's forbidden," Jimin replied with a sad tone.
"You're so selfish, even if she saved you before, you don't want to save her now. If you don't want to take responsibility, I'll ask V instead," Jungkook said angrily, turning his back on Jimin.
"I'll do it if you don't," V suddenly butted in the conversation, he was listening from the very beginning.
"V-" Jimin and Jungkook said simultaneously.
"My blood is your blood. if you don't wanna take the risk because it's forbidden to force humans to drink a vampire's blood to heal them in anyway, I'll do it and take whatever punishment," V suggested with dignity.
"No! I should be the one to do it. I'm just scared that she'll be afraid of us once she finds out that we are vampires. But I'll do it, I'll do it now," Jimin rebutted, obvious that he doesn't want Rae to drink anyone's blood aside from his.
The three of them agreed and planned how they're going to make Rae drink Jimin's vampire blood that can heal any kind of wound or damage to a human's body. They all agreed not to tell anyone else about this.

The next morning when Rae woke up, she saw the seven lovely boys still sleeping in the room. Namjoon and Jin were sleeping on the long sofa, Yoongi was on the single couch, Hoseok and V were sleeping on a blanket spread on the floor, and Jimin and Jungkook were on each side of Rae's hospital bed.
Rae smiled at the sight of them sleeping so defenseless like babies, she gently caressed Jimin and Jungkook's soft hair and it made her wish that she'd never be alone again.

When all the boys woke up, they got ready to leave, except for the three youngest who decided to stay behind. When the four hyungs left, the maknae line started to execute their operation make-Rae-drink-Jimin's-blood-to-heal plan.
"Are you full now Rae?" asked V after peeling the oranges that Rae was eating.
"Yeah, thanks, the orange was delicious," Rae responded with a bright smile.
"It's time to drink your medicine," Jungkook said while approaching Rae, holding a bottle of syrupy medicine, "But first you have to close your eyes, and don't ask questions like why," Jungkook continued.
"We- wait! Hey!" Rae complained as Jungkook went beside her and covered her eyes with his big hands. V clipped Rae's nose with his long fingers, while Jimin stood there with a small pocket knife in his hand.
"Open your mouth Rae, it might taste a little off so just swallow it okay, just 3 small drops," Jimin said softly and sliced his wrist, letting his blood drop in Rae's small mouth opening. After that, V and Jungkook released Rae.
"What were you doing? I thought you were going to kill me!" Rae exclaimed, "But what was that medicine? I like the taste of it, it kinda tasted sweet, with iron or something," she said.
"Ah- that was a special medicine, right Jimin?" Jungkook said.
"Yeah, special medicine, you can only drink it once and you'll heal instantly," Jimin answered.
"Okay Rae, time for your nap, go to sleep now and we'll be going as well. We'll be back later at night," V said, pulling the blanket over to Rae's shoulders and patting her head.
"O- okay, bye... Be safe, see you later," Rae bade them goodbye and fell into a good long sleep.

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