CH 15 Forgiveness

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"I remember... Everything... From when we met when we were seven... Up to the time when Nahyun almost killed me... All the memories came back," Rae said, ready to face what's ahead.

Jimin was silent and dazed. And in a few more minutes, there was still an awkward silence.

"Maybe what Nahyun did to me triggered my memories to return. I'm not sure but maybe someone erased my memories before we went to Japan, maybe my parents, but... They're not here anymore..." Rae talked while pouring herself a glass of water.

"You mean... They're not here with you in Korea? Are they overseas?" Jimin asked, not knowing anything.

"They're in heaven now. They died before I came here, and that's also the reason why I came back," Jimin was struck with guilt, "I'm sorry... I didn't know," he said and silenced his gabby mouth.

"It's okay, I didn't tell you that's why you didn't know. But there's still something that I can't remember... It's how my parents died. When I try to remember, everything just turns cloudy and blur," Rae continued, feeling more comfortable now than awhile ago. She's beginning to open up to Jimin more and more. Their conversation started to go smoothly until they can laugh and smile at each other again like nothing happened.

Ding- Dong!

"Who could that be? Wait, I'll just see who's there," Rae went to peek at the peeping hole and saw Jungkook peeking on the other side. Rae opened the door and she was greeted by the 5 of them - Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jin. She invited them inside and saw Jimin already there.

"Yah! Why are you here first?! You didn't even come to school today and now you're here to have a solo time with Rae!" Hoseok complained when he saw Jimin drinking water on the living room. Jimin just shrugged it off and ignored Hoseok as if he didn't hear a thing.

"Rae! I missed you so much! How are you feeling? Have your wounds healed already?" Jungkook rushed to Rae, hugging her so tightly while spinning her around.

"Kookie, wait! I'm getting dizzy, put me down already," Rae begged while chuckling. She just realized that she missed all of them too. Suddenly all the other boys run towards the two and hugged each other tightly in a group hug. Jimin, on the other hand, was still sitting on the sofa, just looking at them, smiling at the happy sight of his friends.

"Why don't we stay over for tonight?" Hoseok suddenly suggested out of nowhere which made the others surprised. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Uhh, you know Hobi, this is a girl's house, and she's all alone living here. What do you think people will say if they saw a bunch of men sleeping over a lone girl's house, huh?" Jin put his arm around Hoseok's shoulder and whispered to him.

"The more reason for us to stay over, right? Because she's alone and we have to protect her," Hoseok answered wittily and the boys began arguing whether to sleep over or not. Jungkook and Taehyung on Hoseok's side and Jimin and Yoongi on Jin's side.

"I don't mind," Rae said while sitting on the sofa, watching them argue on something so childish. The boys were all the more surprised, but Hoseok and his team were the most happy about it. They run towards Rae and hugged her again, almost squishing her tiny body.

That night...

"Hey, move it, where am I supposed to sleep?" Taehyung kicked Jungkook lightly who was occupying almost all the space on the foam spread on the floor of Rae's room. The house where Rae lives now is the only thing her parents left her when they died. The biggest of the three rooms in the house is where they are all sleeping now, and it's Rae's room as well. Her room is big enough to fit in a medium-sized bed for 2 people, a sofa set, a small walk-in closet and a computer table/study table. By this time, Yoongi already took his place on the long sofa and is covered with a fluffy blanket, sleeping. Jin and Hoseok were on the other smaller sofas, rolled into a ball while trying to find their comfortable sleeping position. Taehyung and Jungkook were on the floor, and Jimin was still outside the veranda, still drinking his beer.

"Still not sleepy?" Rae stood beside Jimin who was staring out into the dark starry sky.

"I'm a night person, I don't usually get sleepy at this time of night," Jimin answered, extending his hand with the bottle of beer to Rae. Rae took it and drunk a little.

"But the others are already fast asleep, aren't you supposed to be the same?" Rae asked.

"Aha.. I'm a special vampire you see," Jimin chuckled and didn't explain further what he meant by being special.

"I should probably sleep now too, you see tomorrow will be my laundry day," Rae smiled.

"Okay, have a good sleep alright?" Jimin gently tugged Rae's sleeve and as she turned around to face him, he slightly pecked a kiss on her forehead. So gently that Rae was frozen for a second before she realized what happened. Rae became conscious and shy, she put her hand on her forehead while hiding her flushed face, as if trying to feel the kiss that Jimin gave her.

"Good night," Jimin patted Rae's head softly.

"Yeah, good night."

Preview to the next Chapter...

That time, I still didn't know what the pounding of my heart meant, or what the butterflies in my stomach signified... What I only know is that... Whenever Jimin's around, those were the only times that I feel those weird stuffs in me... Vampire as he is, as cold as ice as he could be, but still... He could always warm me up with his kindness and ultra sweetness. - Rae's POV

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