Ch 4 Sleepy Couple

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Unknown's POV

This new girl in school has been pestering me with her closeness with Jimin and the others. Who does she think she is? She doesn't deserve their attention, not even one bit, 'cause she's a mere human, weak and fragile. Just wait till I get my hands on you, and you'll know not to mess with me.

Rae's POV
"Good morning! You're Rae, right?" a tall, beautiful girl with short blonde hair who was standing outside our classroom door greeted me casually.
"Uhm, hi, good morning too. Yes I'm Rae, who might you be?" I shook her hand and asked her name in return with a confused face.
"Nice to finally meet you," I don't know if it's a smirk or a smile, "I'm Lee Nahyun by the way, I'm in section IV-F. I heard there's a gorgeous transfer student in your section and I just went to check it out. I guess the rumors are right, you really are a gorgeous lady... And your smell... Is sooooo tempting," she said like a maniac while stroking my hair and softly pulling a few strands to sniff.
"Take your hands off her hair," suddenly Jimin slapped Nahyun's hand and confronted her, "What are you doing here?" he asked while yawning.
"I'm just checking out the new girl, what are you worrying about?" Nahyun said and pinched Jimin's cheek, "Bye Rae, see you somewhere!" she said and turned her heel to the opposite direction while waving back.
Jimin just ignored her and held my wrist to lead me in the classroom and to our seats.
"Don't get close to her, she's up to no good," Jimin muttered while yawning again. He looked pale today, as if he lacked sleep or something. He held my hand and tucked it under his arms, leaning his head on them before closing his eyes. He began snoring softly short after. There it is again... My heart fluttering whenever he touches my hand, or whenever I see his cute and carefree face. How ironic that it feels so warm around him, despite the fact that his skin always feels cold. I stroke his soft brown hair and as I did so, I was also lulled to sleep on his desk. I didn't actually care because we were 30 mins early for class.

"They look so cute, don't you think?" three girls were giggling beside Jimin's desk as I entered the classroom. I didn't see Jimin or Rae at first, but when I reached my seat, I saw what the three girls were giggling about. They were taking pictures of Jimin and Rae sleeping while holding hands. It's still early so there are just a few students in the room. How could those two sleep so freely in class as if there are no other people around?
"Hi girls! Whatcha doing?" I pretended not to know what they were doing and approached them.
"Good morning Tae-oppa!!!" the three girls started clinging to me like leaches, until the bell rang and all the other students came rushing in. I slapped Jimin's back so hard that he jumped up his seat, letting go of Rae's hand, before I run towards my own desk chuckling.
"Oooooouch!!! Damn you V!!! That hurts!!!" Jimin exclaimed angrily but before he could run after me, Rae stopped her and made him sit again, caressing his back, asking if he was okay and if it hurt. Tch. I wish I didn't slap his back. Whatever.
"Oh! The sleepy couple is now awake!" the three girls awhile ago were clapping their hands and their faces were happy when they saw Rae and Jimin acting like couples. Confusion was painted on their faces, as if they don't know how they look like just a minute ago when they were sleeping. Whatever. I'm not in the mood to join in teasing them.
"Good morning class! Settle down on your seats," it's good the homeroom teacher has arrived. I don't need to see them so lovey-dovey early in the morning.

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