Ch 9 Falling

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A week has passed since Rae's incident. After having a taste of Jimin's blood, Rae already recovered when she woke up the day after. All her wounds and scars, and fractured bones have been restored to its normal condition, like nothing has happened to her, her skin still flawless as before. The doctors and nurses were really shocked to the point of joking that maybe she's a vampire herself. Jimin and the others just laughed it off and she was discharged from the hospital.

Rae's back again in Crimson Phoenix High, but the insecure hearts of the jealous ones didn't stop their attack on Rae. From simple to more dangerous ways of bullying, she accepted it all without saying a word. Jimin and the others doesn't know about the bullying, but Rae just kept in mind that whatever happens, they will be there for her.

On one afternoon, Rae and some classmates were doing their cleaning duty in their room on the 3rd floor of the building. From the veranda, Rae was wiping the glass windows with a soft cloth when a sudden strong wind blew away the cloth she was using. It was blown into a branch of a tall tree just across the veranda. Rae stood at the railing and stretched her hand out to reach the cloth but she could not reach it. She tiptoed while holding on to the metal railings and extended her arm further, almost stooping just so she can grab the cloth impatiently swinging from the tree's thin branch. When she was about to reach it, a strong push at her back made her stumble over the railing and eventually, falling from the 3rd floor.

Time seemed to be in slow motion as she was falling, screaming her heart out for help as the fear of death struck her. All she could scream out for help was Jimin. "Jimiiiiiiiiiiin heeeeeeeelp!!!" she cried out. Just like a flash, someone caught her in his arms as Rae fell down. Her eyes were closed due to the fright of falling from a high place, and just as she was caught, she immediately hugged the person who saved her. Crying on his chest, trying to regain herself. Carried in bridal style, she was escorted to the clinic and as she sat down on one of the beds, she said "thank you Jimin" and wiped away her own tears.
"I'm V," the person who saved her said in monotone and fixed Rae's long metal-green hair which was hanging all over her face. Shocked, Rae looked at the person in front of her and confirmed it was V. Rae felt embarrassed for saying thank you Jimin without seeing who the person is. She thought it was Jimin who saved her again, she felt very dependent on Jimin because of no reason, she just felt like relying on him a lot.
"Ah- I'm s-sorry V, I was so scared a while ago, I didn't know you were the one who saved me. Thank you very much," Rae said almost stuttering, holding V's big, cold hands.
"I'm always here whenever you need me, just be sure it's my name you'll call," V said, cupping Rae's soft cheeks and smiling his sweetest smile, making Rae's heart pound so unusually.
"What happened?!" the door of the clinic swung wide open as Jungkook and the others came in, rushing to Rae to see how she was. She told them what happened on the 3rd floor when she was on cleaning duty, that she felt someone push her hard, making her lose her balance and fall over the railing.
"Who the fuck would do that? That person should be taught a lesson," Hoseok spatted angrily.
"She's been bullied ever since the dating rumor about Jimin and Rae started," V uttered. He's been secretly checking on Rae, following her and seeing with his own eyes how she was bullied, but decided to keep it to himself because Rae wasn't saying anything about it either.
"What? Why didn't you tell us anything about this? So the accident you recently had that made you almost paralyzed was related to this, right?" Jin said almost yelling in annoyance.
"You could've told us so that we could've warned the students not to touch you," Yoongi said with a threatening voice.
"We could've at least protected you in anyway," Namjoon suggested. Rae started to cry as all of them showed their concern to her. Even the smallest way of bullying, from hearing malicious gossips about her, to directly hearing loud whispers from the students about how bad she is, seducing their idols for her own satisfaction; tripping her while walking, spattering her with dirty water in the girls' dressing room, and now this- almost killing her- all of this, she accepted without complain because she didn't want any further trouble anymore. She kept it all to herself because she felt guilty of having everybody's idols to herself.

"I don't want you to be involved in any of this, if they want to hurt me, just hurt me, but I don't want any of you to be hurt too. You all did good things to me, you're the first close friends I've ever made, so I want your safety at all times," Rae said while sobbing, crying like a little child in front of the soft-hearted vampires.
"We understand, but next time, please do tell us, depend on us a little more. What kind of friends are we if we cannot protect our precious friend?" Hoseok once again lighten up the mood with his encouraging words, inviting everyone for a group hug.
"By the way, where's Jimin?" Rae asked out of nowhere, noticing that Jimin wasn't there when she expected him to be the first to come rushing in to check her out.
"When he heard what happened to you, he was really mad, he suddenly run somewhere, saying he'll pay them back," Jungkook answered.

~ i hope you like this short update... Thanks for reading up to now! :)

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