Ch 10 Cherry Blossom

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The autumn leaves of the old cherry blossom tree at the middle of the school entrance has started falling from its tall height. The calm wind gives off a very vibrant feeling, sending good vibes to Rae who's now staring in awe at the tall cherry blossom tree in front of her. She feels relaxed just seeing how the pink leaves fall so freely, dancing with the wind as the branches sway harmoniously with it.

On the side of her eyes, Rae glanced at Jimin who was walking towards where she's standing. She smiled so happily upon seeing Jimin's oh-so gorgeous appearance as time seemed to be in slow motion while he was walking. Rae's heart started to beat so fast, a feeling that she's not familiar because it's her first time to feel something so alien inside her. She faced Jimin despite her burning cheeks and greeted him like she always do.
"G-good morning Jimin!" she said cheerfully as Jimin got nearer to where she was. However, her heart seemed to be trampled when Jimin just passed by her, ignoring her like she was not there, like she was invisible to him. A sudden wave of sad emotions filled Rae's body, realizing that she was just ignored by the person she has always leaned on and trusted. On the other hand, the other boys were just behind Jimin when he came, and V noticed the sudden change in Rae's facial expression when Jimin ignored her. After being greeted by Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook, V came up to Rae and tousled her hair, smiling his ever bright smile while slinging his arm on her shoulder. "C'mon, classes are about to start," V whispered in Rae's ears and they both entered the school building, following behind the other boys.
"Wow, she's really such a bitch, after Jimin, it's V she's now targeting," whispers from students as if echoed on the hallway as V and Rae walked towards their classroom, with V's arm still clinging on Rae's shoulder. Rae, though, tried to remove V's arm around her but he just wouldn't budge. V wanted to show Jimin what they look like together, and he got the expression he wanted from him. From V's point of view, Jimin's gaze on him was like piercing through his soul, eradicating his whole existence, and that if glares can kill, V would have been turned to ashes by now.

Rae ignored everybody. She didn't want to argue with anyone because of V's action a while ago. She sat uncomfortably in front of Jimin, hesitating to speak to him for the fear of being disregarded again. For the whole day, Jimin and Rae didn't speak at all, while V just kept on clinging to Rae like a leech and Jungkook also joined in. They were both receiving death glares from Jimin who can't do or say anything about it.
"Please stop clinging so close to me, people are thinking bad things because of what you're doing, I don't want any more trouble, remember?" Rae finally spoke her mind out about V and Jungkook's somewhat malicious actions. She can't forget what happened to her when she fell from the building's 3rd floor, and she doesn't want that to happen again. V on the other hand, just smiled and continued eating. Although Jungkook apologized, V doesn't have any plans on obeying her. It went on like that for a week, Jimin ignoring Rae, and V clinging to her inconsiderately.

School days are done once again, it's now Friday night and Euijin invited Rae to some club party together with their other girl friends. She agreed to go because she was as sad and bored as hell. They went to a club called Fangtasia, a little bit far away from the main city's streets. It was a secluded place, a little creepy and it's in the middle of nowhere. A lot of cars were parked around the huge bar, and Euijin parked hers just near the bar's entrance. Loud sounds and head banging music can be heard everywhere, echoing on the empty fields, away from residences.

Euijin and the others were wearing sexy clothes, shaping all the curves of their bodies and revealing a lot of skin, while Rae was just wearing khaki short shorts and yellow spaghetti straps underneath a thin black hoodie. They all went in the bar, sat on a round table on the second floor and ordered drinks while watching other people partying, grooving to the sound and drowning themselves in alcohol.
"Hello? Ah yes, we're at the usual place. Yes she's with us," Euijin suddenly got a phone call. A few moments later, Jin came to Euijin's table and kissed Euijin for a good few seconds before sitting beside her. Rae was absolutely shocked to see that, she didn't know anything. After Jin, the other boys also came. Following him was Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook, sitting beside the other 4 pretty girls with Euijin. V pecked a kiss on Rae's cheek and sat on her right, while Jimin who came in last had nowhere else to sit but beside Rae on the left.
Everything was just going fine even if there was a gap between Rae and Jimin. They all drunk together and chatted together and it seems the gap between them was starting to close, until Jimin got a call. He stood up and was about to leave, and Rae was just looking at him, when suddenly, a tall girl with the short blonde hair called Nahyun jumped up to Jimin and kissed him torridly in front of everybody. Rae was surprised and at the same time pissed off? Or maybe hurt? She was not sure what to feel about the situation in front of her. But her instinct said to walk out and get away from that place in an instant. She knew that girl, Jimin told her before not to get close to Nahyun and that she's up to no good, then why would she be kissing him now? Why do they look like they've known each other for so long? And it seems the others were not shocked unlike her? Questions rushed out of Rae's head as she made her way down the stairs and out of Fangtasia bar.

"What are you doing?! Get away!" Jimin harshly pushed Nahyun off him. He didn't like what Nahyun just did, most of all in front of Rae. He immediately noticed that Rae was no longer in her seat and decided to follow her to explain, but Jungkook was already running down the stairs to chase after her. V also stood up to follow but decided to stop when Jungkook run first, and so did Jimin who just decided to sit down and cool himself off. Nahyun on the other hand was just laughing like a freak who just won over a competitive rival. She just wanted to piss off Rae so much, she'll do anything to get Rae's ass away from Jimin.

"Rae! Wait!" Jungkook shouted while running towards her. Rae stopped playing on her phone and turned her head to look. Before Jungkook came, she was sitting on the hood of Euijin's red and black Benz, playing games on her phone to erase just what happened. She can't get it out of her head- the scene where Jimin and Nahyun were kissing. She doesn't know why she's feeling what she's feeling- a mix of anger and jealousy and insecurity- when she knows she doesn't have the right to feel that way.
"Why did you leave? Everyone's calling you back in," Jungkook said and sat down beside Rae.
"Ah- I just wanted to get some fresh air, I think I'm getting tipsy," Rae said.
"Ah, 'kay. I thought you were jealous with Nahyun," Jungkook suddenly blurted.
"What?! Me? Jealous? Who says? As if," she denied, or more like she was confused with her unusual mood.
"Why are you being defensive?"
"I'm not! Just think of it, Jimin's been ignoring me for a week now. When I was in the hospital before, he said he'll never leave me and that he'll always be by my side. He said we're friends! But why's he ignoring me now?! And then he'll come to our party to show off his new girlfriend? I don't care!" Rae bursted in anger, hiding her fists inside her jacket's pockets.
"Hush... Chill... Nahyun's just being her natural self, that's just the bitch she is," Jungkook tousled Rae's hair. Athough he didn't deny that Nahyun and Jimin are together, it made Rae even more curious and furious and it made her silent.
"It's getting cold now, let's go back inside," he said and put his red coat over Rae.
"Uhmm, I think I'll go home for now, I'm not feeling well. I'll just text Euijin that I already went home," Rae said, pulling the red coat over to her exposed legs.
"Okay, I think that'll be better. C'mon, I'll drive you home," Jungkook said and held Rae's hand while walking to where he parked his motorcycle.

~ I wonder what's between Jimin and Nahyun? And why Jimin started to ignore Rae? :'(

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