🌷Chapter 12🌷

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Sorry this song is stuck in my head when I was writing this!😔

Sorry this song is stuck in my head when I was writing this!😔

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"Alain I know your secret with Draco Malfoy"

"Fred!" Alain shouted at one of her oldest brothers who is a twin, "what do you want?" Alain asked Fred

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"Fred!" Alain shouted at one of her oldest brothers who is a twin, "what do you want?" Alain asked Fred.

"Alain I know your secret with Draco..Malfoy" Fred said with a little smirk playing on his lips.

"H-how do you k-k-know?" Alain stuttered.

"Well that night when you left with Lily while Harry was in detention I decided to follow you to see if you were ok but when I saw you hugging Draco I was shocked" Fred said.

"Fred please don't tell me you didn't tell George" Alain pleaded.

"Your lucky I didnt tell him but I was close to but George was already asleep and I knew your murder me if I told George which by the way your scary now once you became a mother!" Fred said to Alain, "but tell me why were you even hugging Malfoy?" Fred asked.


"I also forget! This little letter dropped" Fred said showing the letter to Alain, Alain eyes widened she saw what letter it was

"Fred give me that!" Alain shouted

"I'll think I'll keep it for now but tell me why you were with Malfoy anyway?" Fred said sitting down on the floor and Alain did too and took a big breath.

"Fred the moment when...

(Flash back!)

Hermione hugged Alain and told her good night and told her that Harry will be ok but Alain didn't believe it, once Hermione left, Alain sat down on the floor crying her eyes out because she was scare...scared that Harry isnt ok anymore and she was scared that Harry was telling the truth Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was back and that Cedric died that night so much terrible stuff happen in one night that she couldn't control of crying at all anymore "Alain..." a voice said that is familiar and she looked up and saw

"Draco.." Alain with a bear whispered, Draco sat on the floor and put Alain head on his shoulder so she could cry more and in that moment Draco knew Alain needed someone and that was Harry but he wasn't there for her but Draco was there for Alain and her baby in that moment which made him smile because she deserved everything.

"Draco why..are you c-comforting me?" Alain stuttered a little.

"Alain I might be mean to you and everything but the truth is was because I was taught to hate the Weasley's, but when I found out that you was pregnant with Harry's child I knew it wasn't on purpose because you wouldn't wanna carry child in you such a young age and yet your still a amazing mother even though your very young" Draco said and stopped for a second "what I'm trying to say is that once I found out you was pregnant I knew I wanted to protect you and this baby" Draco put his hands on Alain stomach with a small smile "I decided to protect you both even though it wasn't my duty it was Harry but Harry wasn't doing anything to protect you guys so I knew I had to" Draco finished and Alain smiled at Draco.

(End of flash!)

"Alain I'm so glad I didn't tell George or Harry or our family now" Fred said with a small smile.

"Fred it's fine if you tell George" Alain said and Fred eyes widened

"A-are you s-sure?" Fred stuttered very confused and Alain nodded her head a yes.

"Fred..dont tell Harry I'm not ready to tell him yet" Alain said to the oldest boy

"I promise I won't, but I guess I can't tell Ron because he will tell Harry in a second when he finds out" Fred said which made Alain laugh a little while hugging Fred.

Author note: a lot of people had requested that it's Fred so I decided to do Fred and I know it's taking me forever to update and I have no excuse at all this time I just been lazy 😂 and to busy reading other fanfics but just know when summer comes I'll try to update almost daily just not like a lot since I'm having my quinceañera on July 3rd hit after my quinceañera I will update like three times a day maybe!

Words Count: 726 words

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