🌷Chapter 21🌷

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Alain was in an empty room with the twins helping them set everything up "are you sure you did it right Alain?" George asked and Alain rolled her eyes at her brother

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Alain was in an empty room with the twins helping them set everything up "are you sure you did it right Alain?" George asked and Alain rolled her eyes at her brother.

"George I'm pretty sure I did it right and besides you didn't help me and Fred out at all you just sat there an-'' Alain got interrupted by George.

"Actually I helped you guys by testing it out and also let's not forget one of the times I tested it and it blew up on me and I had like red on me for like a whole week because it wouldn't come off!" George complained while Fred and Alain tried not to laugh but George started laughing and they did too.

"Ok you did help, but are you guys ready?" Alain asked them and they nodded their heads "I'm going to miss you guys a lot I can't believe you're leaving Hogwarts!" Alain said.

"Remember sis since little Lily is staying with mum and dad when you're at school now which by the way mum doesn't trust us watching Lily but she said sometimes we need to for some reasons?" Fred said and George nodded his head.


The 5th years was all sitting in one room with Umbridge in front of them and she was smiling while they took their O.W.L.S and it was very quiet in there but Hermione knew almost all the answers while Ron and harry was struggling a lot but they heard a explosion and everyone stopped at once looking around them confused and they heard it again and Umbridge walked straight to the door and opened it and look around confused and a little thing came in front of Umbridge face and than went in the room and exploded fireworks and she walk around more confused now until the Wealsey twins and Alain Wealsy  flying there and once they got in they room Fred put Alain down and students threw paper while the Wealsey twins was blowing fireworks which Alain them out with that spell and everything which she smirk about but she felt something on hand and she looked who hand it belong to and saw it was Harry's and he look at her and smiled and she smiled back and ran when they saw the twins leaving and they pop more fireworks while everyone cheered but Alain felt something leave her hand and she looked around and saw Harry down on the ground she bent down to him and ask him what's wrong "It's..Sirius.."

A/N: I decided to make days where I write chapters and what days to post them and also if you didn't read the last chapter any formation which was important anyway I skip a lot of parts so I can finish this book off because I know I will go to like 50 chapters and I don't really like my story's that long especially since I'm a slow writer 😂

Words count: 496 words

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