Chapter Eighteen

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Chris ValentinesThursday, Home5:30___________

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Chris Valentines
Thursday, Home

"Hey babies" I bent down lifting Lanie on my hip as Ash hugged my leg and I put her back down to kiss Ash.

"I know how to write my name." Ash told me as I placed him back on his feet following them to his bedroom.

"That's wassup son." I gave him a high five looking at the paper.

Even though the letters were a bit crooked, I was proud that he was growing every day and learning something new every day.

"Are you staying for dinner or are you leaving again?" Lanie's smart mouth struck again, I'd swear that she notices that things aren't fine in the house.

"Business dinner, but I got y'all tomorrow. Friday is going to movie night." I I assured not sure what to say.

I hated lying to them, but what can I say.

"Okay." she shrugged going inside her room.

"I please play game on your phone." Ash took my phone from me running to the living room.

"No running Ash!" I yelled.

"Sorry, mama!" I heard him yell back as I walked in me and Alisha's room.

Walking in the room my ears were filled Teyena Taylor's Concrete blasting through Alisha's Beats Pill. Her half naked back facing me as braided her hair into two, her beautiful voice singing along to the song.

Stepping further into the room I took my jacket off unbottoning my shirt leaving my under shirt on, she turned around looking at me than back at the mirror. It had been like this since Monday and a part of me felt guilty, but at this point it is what it is.

She only spoke to me if it had something to do with the kids, even though we slept in the same bed she acted as if I wasn't there. At least she made me breakfast and made sure all my work clothes were ready for me.

"I ordered dinner." she spoke turning her head to look at me as I took my shoes and pants off.

"Cool, leave me some I'm not staying for dinner." I answered back throwing my clothing in the hamper walking passed her to the bathroom turning the water on filling the tub.

"Nicole called, she said to call her back." she said loud enough for me to hear.


I locked the door glaring at the hickies I had they went from my chest down to my stomach. I felt really bad and most of it was guilty, but the guilt was clouded by a feeling I haven't felt in a long time, warmth.

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