Chapter Thirteen

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Happy new years everybody, hope y'all have a blessed new years ❤️Stay blessed and stay safe Covid 19 is  out there

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Happy new years everybody, hope y'all have a blessed new years ❤️
Stay blessed and stay safe Covid 19 is  out there.

Chris Valentines
Modeling studio, Friday
1:00 pm

"Awesome, your doing great one last picture. Now smile." the photographer Austin grinned, I've been here since 11 in the morning and don't know what time it is now.

"The camera loves you!" Naylieh yelled clapping her hands, she's been doing this since we started.

"Done, you were amazing." he said putting his camera down on the table and I took the jacket off giving him a high five.

I walked off the modeling set running my hands through my curls, I wore over 5 suits and I actually get to keep all of them. I did have fun today on the set and I got to put myself in the shoes of all the top models who have modeled for her brand.

Who would have thought that I'd be here one day?

Like all the make up I had to wear and the struggles of trying different poses for the camera. Let me not forgot the changing of suits every time that was a lot of work, but I had fun today and I can't wait too see the final pictures.

And who would have thought that I for one would be modeling?

"I swear we're about to hit them when they least expect it. These pictures are fire and she is fire." he said showing her the pictures on the camera, and she shook her head smiling.

"She is definitely a flame." she smiled at him grabbing his camera probably looking at the pictures.

"She should have been a model" he joked winking at me.

"Chris right here is a natural." she said with a smirl throwing me her thumbs up.

"I think we just murdered the whole thing." he chuckled making a gun with his hand pretending to shoot at her causing her to giggle.

At least I know they loved me, let's hope everyone else does.

"I'll email you some of the pictures and I hope we get to do this again." he said shaking my hand.

"I don't know about next time, but we'll see." I chuckled saying goodbye to him and I headed to my changing room to take the clothes off.

Taking the suit off I put it back on the hanger and I slip my t-shirt on and my jeans on before I put my sneakers on. I can't wait to show Alisha all these beautiful suits and most of all my pictures.

I can't wait to see my pictures in a magazine, which is better than my pictures being on the business newspaper almost every week. Now it's different the whole country will get to see me in a different element.

For the first time in my four years of working as a business woman, I'll be recognized as a model for an amazing brand. I'll be seen in a different way, not im my office or at business events.
"Chris?" Nayleigh knocked on my door and I opened for her to come in.

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