Chapter Nine

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Chris Valentines

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Chris Valentines.
Home Saturday.


Rolling over to my side I pulled Alisha's half naked body closer to my mine as my eyes went open, the sun was now peeking through the curtains. I looked over at my phone checking the time before cuddling her towards to me.

She mumbled something in her sleep I couldn't hear a thing she said, she grabbed my hand placing it over hers making me chuckle a bit planting a  kiss on her neck. As much as I wanted to stay like this I had to wake up and prepare breakfast for the kids.

"Mmh, stop moving." she whined in a sleepy tone putting my arm back around her.

"I gotta to get up." I chuckled removing the sheets over my half naked body.

Last was not just a typical hot summers night in fact it was too hot I ended up sleeping in my boxers only while she slept in her panties.

"But why?" she asked rolling over to my side of the bed opening her eyes a bit, yawning.

"Breakfast for the kids baby." I responded leaning over to pecking her lips twice.

"Why can't we just sleep all day?" she whined pulling the sheets so her whole body was covered.

"You can sleep I'll wake you up when I'm done." I put on my sports bra and my sweatpants than slipped my blue Champion slides on.

"Can you please pancakes and make mine with honey?" she asked grabbing her phone off the charger switching it on.

"Ight let me go freshen up." I went to the bathroom walking inside brushing my teeth than I washed my face applying my face scream.

Nicole brought Melanie last night, just when Ash-lyn was about to give up thinking she was not coming over anymore. Alisha showed Nicole Melanie's room so she could see that we were working on her bedroom.

Since it was Friday Alisha decided we could watch movies up until 10 o'clock with the kids so we ended up watching Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse which was picked by Ash. Than Melanie and Alisha wanted to watch Moana.

As for me I didn't care what we were watching all I cared about was the fact that we were watching the movies together. Melanie cuddled up in my arms and Ash in Alisha arms, we enjoyed our night and I also made lots of popcorn.


"Good morning Chris, I just wanted to check if Melanie's up yet?" Nicole asked making me put the phone on speaker since I was busy cooking eggs.

"No she's still sleeping they slept late night" I answered switching the stove off putting the pan on the sink.

"Oh she's usually up by now."

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