Chapter Nineteen

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Chris Valentines  Wednesday, work 9:00 am

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Chris Valentines 
Wednesday, work
9:00 am.

"Chris?" Jasmine crooked her head inside my office doing air quotes with her fingers, I knew who was here.

"Just send her in." I sighed closing my brand new MacBook I got a week ago let's just my laptop died on me.

Nothing ruins a work day like an annoying client who always complained about everything and didn't appreciate effort. All this lady did was complain and none of these complains involved me, but they involved my marketing team.

Ever since we signed the deal with them she had been nothing a but a nagging hoe, excuse my language, but this lady was too much to handle. She wanted things to be in a certain way and those certain things didn't involve me, but the marking team.

I tried telling her to speak to Mark our marketing director, but according to her everything goes well when you speak to the boss and not the bosses worker. If she wasn't such of an asset to the company I would've canceled the deal a long time ago.

"Mechelle Crocs, what a pleasure to see you on this lovely Wednesday morning. Something must be wrong?" I forced a smile shaking her head before I sat down.

"Hmm of course something is wrong Valentines. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not a pleasure to see you." she scoffed rolling her eyes.

"I thought we sorted out the technical issues we had with our services and we didn't meet your standards of being helped?Is there something wrong with that?" I asked, pretending to interested in her usual drama.

"Delivery of the final product should have been in by now." she spat looking down at her Chanel watch.

"Actually Mrs Crocs the delivery should be in later today as we all agreed, I mean you personally agreed to this. If there is nothing else you have to say to me I'd to finish what I was doing. Not to be rude as you see that I'm a busy woman. The rest you can take it up with the marketing team since their the ones handling your product. Delivery will be on time and by time I mean the time we agreed on. , I can promise you that." I told her opening my MacBook.

"You better not disappoint me." she huffed getting up not bothering to say goodbye she left, than Jasmine .

"Drama as always?" she laughed putting some files on my desk that I asked her to look through.

"As always Jas." I rolled my eyes signing in the first pages of the contract she gave me earlier this morning.

"That lady is crazy if you ask me." she did the air qoutes, making me laugh with her.

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