Narry: Daily life.

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Self-made prompt:It's a common Saturday in the Styles-Horan household,until Harry catches his oldest son snogging his boyfriend on the street,just around the corner of their house.




Side: Sophiam


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A sunny Saturday is what Niall Styles Horan adores to spend with his family.The routine includes taking his one-year-old son,Louis, to the park right after breakfast,then lunch and later nap time.

Niall had already got out of bed,ready to make breakfast,only to catch his sixteen-year-old son,Zayn, trying to sneak out of the door.He carefully placed down the pan and made sure he was not making any noise,to watch Zayn's moves. Zayn was wearing his black skinnies with a white t-shirt,but was only now putting on his converse.

The clueless teenager quietly grabbed his jacket and walked on the tip of his toes towards the front door,but soon stopped when he heard someone clear their throat.He cursed under his breath and turned around,seeing his father staring at him suspiciously,arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"Where do you think you're going, young man?"Niall spoke,expecting his son to instantly lie.

And of course he was right,"I have football practice!"Zayn lied through his teeth,causing Niall to chuckle.

"Yes,and I can actually fly."

Zayn nervously shifted on his feet and fumbled with his fingers,"It's Justin and I's anniversary.He's waiting for me,dad."He explained and begged his dad with big golden brown eyes.

Niall knew that he couldn't resist to any of his sons and that his husband would fight with him about it later,but he had no control on himself.He just nodded his head and said,"Be back in an hour.Your dad is gonna wake up around ten."Zayn gave him a huge grateful grin and a kiss on the cheek,before disappearing out of the front door.

Once the last plate of pancakes was placed on the table,Niall went upstairs to his younger son's bedroom.The blue-eyed baby was sitting up in his crib,making grabby hands to his daddy.Niall silently cooed and picked his baby boy up,cradling him and kissing his head repeatedly."Let's go wake papa up!"Little Louis raised his hand to his daddy's face and let him kiss it.

"Papa!"He squealed as he saw Harry's sleeping figure on the bed.Niall smiled and placed the baby on Harry's chest as he sat down beside them,holding Louis' arm,so he would't fall.

Soon enough,Harry's eyelids fluttered open and he was met with the huge smiles of his husband and son.He grinned back and stretched his arms,before grabbing his baby boy and lifting him up in front of his face,making him giggle and drool.Harry didn't mind,though.He enjoyed his son's company and he wouldn't give a damn for anything unimportant.

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