Niam: No Matter What.

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Self-made prompt: Niall and Liam have been in a relationship for three years now,but like any other couple, they have their arguments every now and then. But fighting always brings couples closer,right?

Niall: 18
Liam: 22

It was a Friday night when Niall was waiting for Liam to pick him up from his house in order to go on a date. He had been waiting for an hour until he decided to call his boyfriend, who didn't even pick up. Tired and disappointed, Niall got undressed, put on his sweatpants and decided to watch a movie before he fell asleep. Even when his parents woke him up when they got back from their own date, he told them off, because his mood was nowhere near good. His boyfriend had forgotten about him and didn't even think of sending him a simple text message. He was beyond mad.

Liam actually showed up early in the next morning, wanting to apologize, but Niall didn't believe a word. I mean, who could blame him? Liam just told him that an old friend of his showed up at work and that his phone had died long before that. But to Niall, that was all stupid excuses. He was promised a date and all he had gotten was an apology the next day for the date that didn't happen.

They fought really bad. Niall wasn't the kind of person to swear, but he kindly told Liam to fuck off and Liam did not even understand what he had done wrong. He had just kept shouting at Niall for not believing him and for being mad at him. They also said things that they both would regret the next day,or even the next hour. When Niall told Liam that he thought he was cheating on him, Liam told him these exact words:

"I'm not a fucking cheater, but the way you're acting like now would make me one. Damn it, Niall. You're fucking paranoid."

Finally, that was enough for Niall to completely break down and tell Liam that he hated him before throwing him out of the house. He thanked God that his parents had left earlier that day to go shopping. He wouldn't want them to experience their son and his boyfriend fighting, let alone their son's boyfriend embarrassing their youngest child like that. When they got back home and found a broken Niall, crying his eyes out, he just hugged both of his parents, wanting to be held more than anything else. He was hurt. Really hurt.

Sunday passed quickly. Niall, being miserable, spent all day in bed, didn't eat anything at all and even deleted temporarily his facebook profile because he had too many pictures of him and Liam posted there, that it was almost painful to be logged in. He cried and cried and cried, until he realised he hadn't done his homework around 9:00 pm. He stayed for an hour to do some of it, but eventually couldn't focus any more and fell asleep.

When his phone rang in the Monday morning, he was so hopeful that he thought it was Liam, so he rose quickly from the bed to get it, but was let down again. It was just his alarm clock. After washing his face from the still falling tears, he brushed his teeth and his hair. He got dressed into his grey sweatpants and a hoodie of Liam's, before getting his backpack, putting on his converse and leaving for school. His school was half an hour away without a car, but he needed to walk. He thought it would make him feel better. It was a good thing Liam had finished school a few years ago, because Niall wouldn't be able to stay calm at school. When he arrived and saw his best friend, Louis, coming out of his boyfriend and Liam's best friend's, Zayn, car, he wondered if Liam would pick him up like he always did. It was their little habit. Liam would take a break from work around the time that Niall left from school so he would pick him up and drive him home. He even stayed for lunch sometimes, if work wasn't being much of a bitch.

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