LiLo: Trust

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Self made prompt: Liam, a thirty year old single father, gets tricked by a younger boy that only wanted to take advantage of Liam's money. When he finally catches on he breaks up with Louis. Months later though things are a little bit -or a lot- different.

Liam: 30
Louis: 20
Harry: 4



"Cookies are ready, boys. Come on." A smiley Louis appears from the kitchen and places a plate full of different cookies on the table in front of his boys.

"It smells absolutely amazing, Lou." Liam states and reaches out to grab the first cookie. He snaps it in half and gives one piece to his son, Harry.

"It's so yummy, Louis." He says through bites and runs to hug Louis. Louis grins widely and embraces him tightly."I'm so glad you like them."

Liam is happy to see his boy getting along with Louis. He has only known him for a month and he already loves him. Almost as much as Liam, who has been dating him for about five months now. Even though the age gap scared him shitless at first, Louis has proved him wrong. In only a few months he has managed to make Liam believe he is the one.

Way to get a move on with the plan.


For their one year anniversary, Liam decides it would be best if he took some time off work and took Louis to Bali. He has already spoken with his mum and she is more than willing to babysit her grandchild and although she doesn't even like Louis in the slightest, she wishes them to have the best time.

Louis is certainly ready to faint by the time Liam announces the news. As a twenty year old who is still in college, he hadn't been in such holidays ever. Not that he could have been in the future, because if it wasn't for Liam, he wouldn't even be able to pay for his tuition.

So, they go for seven days in Bali and Louis absolutely loves it there. He is grateful for Liam being so innocent and just casually spending all his money on Louis without even questioning. It's not that Louis has started regretting the plan, but something in Liam and they way he treats him makes him want to punch himself in the face for doing that.

Liam makes him feel loved.


It's not even a surprise that somewhere along the way Louis gets caught. Zayn, Liam's younger brother, had started getting suspicious since months ago, but eavesdropping on Louis while he was on the phone, confirms his suspicions. Louis feels like a complete idiot for getting caught talking to Sophia and he is scared shitless of what Zayn is going to do.

"What the hell was that?" Zayn yells as Louis hangs up the phone quickly. He has fucked up badly and he feels the end of the world coming. Zayn and Liam's family in general were never really fond of Louis, for no particular reason, but he just gave them a million reasons to hate him.

Not only had Zayn heard him talk about how he was taking advantage of Liam's fortune, but he had also been speaking with Liam's ex wife and mother of Harry. He definitely was a shitty person before, but Zayn and no one would ever believe that he has change. It was quite logical.

"I truly don't know how to explain, Zayn." Louis mumbles, leans his head down and expects the worst. That's what he deserves.

Zayn us fuming. "Why were you talking about my brother's money and why the fuck was Sophia on the phone?" He stops for a second and then interrupts what Louis is going to say. "And don't even think about lying. You are lucky I'm letting you talk right now instead of killing you, so use it in your favour."

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