Jouis/Niam: Not Going To Work.

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Self-made prompt: Justin Bieber is the sexiest teacher in Louis Tomlinson's school and the only reason Louis is giving a chance to studying. One day, Louis decides to let his teacher know about both facts.

Justin: 27
Louis: 18
Liam: 25
Niall: 18

Having a crush on his Math teacher and trying to be obvious about his feelings wasn't exactly what Louis was planning to do for his last school year. He definitely fancied Justin Bieber and nothing was stopping him. His main characteristics being bold and confident weren't helping his situation either. Also, the fact that he was one of the most 'popular' guys in the area meant that he had to be extra careful with his move.

He had tried literally everything. From giving Justin a few smirks here and there to looking at him with his piercing blue eyes and batting his eyelashes. From always trying a way to touch him to actually trying to tell him face to face. But nothing seemed to work. Even when he acted like he didn't understand a thing at maths (which was a lie, because he loved and was good at maths), Justin insisted that he had another student of his tutor Louis. He didn't even offer becoming a tutor himself. Justin would always laugh it off or even ignore the signs. So, Louis decided to make a drastic move. Write to him about his feelings.

Luck was on his side, since the day after he started planning how he was going to confess, Justin informed them they had an upcoming exam on Friday. Two days away. Louis thought it was exactly what he needed. He would fail on his test, but he would have achieved what he had been trying to do for so long.

And if it was just a crush, he wouldn't be so stubborn. But the thing is,he had real feelings for his teacher. He actually loved Justin's smile, his eyes, his toned chest, his arms, his tattoos and of course, his round,firm ass.

48 hours passed and Louis was ready to rant about his feelings on a paper. By the time Justin had finished giving the sheets of paper to his students, Louis started writing with a nervous, but happy smile on his face.

"Dear Mr. Bieber,

I know what I'm going to write and what you're going to read isn't a solution to the math problem of the test, but I just had to to pull it off my chest.

I'm in love with you.

I've been trying to tell you since school started, but you neved noticed nor listened to me.

I've been dreaming about you every night. I've been missing you every day after school and every weekend. I love the way you smile at us when we say something wrong. I love the way you cheer for me when I answer to your questions correctly. I adore your handwriting. I love how you always have a way to cheer us up and help us. I adore everything about you.

You may think I'm a child. You may think I'm silly and an idiot. You may think I have no idea what I'm saying. But I assure you, I've never felt stronger feelings for anyone, but you.

You are the reason I'm even giving a shit about studying, because I like it when you are proud of me. I like it when you smile to me.

So, yeah.

If you didn't notice, I love ranting about you.

I know you probably hate me now. Or you probably haven't even read the whole thing. Maybe my idea of writing about my feelings was wrong.

Oh shit. You don't even like me like that. Hell, you probably aren't even gay.-"

Confident Louis was gone by the time he finished that sentence. He started tearing up and thought about how stupid he was.

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