Jiall: Family Business

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Self-Made prompt: Justin and Niall had an idea out of their immaturity and boldness when they were teens,but here they were now,with their so-called 'stupid thought of the moment' to had taken off since years ago and themselves being the best mates that were now two of the best business men in their country.Were they only best mates though?


Niall and Justin,Justin and Niall. They were known in their small town they lived for how strong their friendship was,how their bond was unbreakable. Since the age of thirteen,they have been best mates. They have been through a lot together,from broken feet at fourteen to broken hearts at twenty. Niall has been always the shoulder for Justin to cry on,while Justin has been the real friend that Niall needed at times.

At the age of eighteen,when they had eventually graduated from high-school,they had decided to celebrate it with a few of their mates.That's when everything happened. Just as they were drinking their asses off that night and discussing what they wanted to do in the future,they looked each other in the eyes and said simultaneously:

"Let's open a restaurant together!"

And that's what happened. After that summer ended,they had earned the money they needed and with the help of their parents and friends, their brand new restaurant was having its opening on Niall's eighteenth birthday.

"Jufoo-d" was the name. You may find it weird,but it had its strange explanation. Jufoo was Niall's nickname for Justin when they first met and their lad,Harry, thought it would be fan to stick a 'd' at the end,making Jufoo be combined with food.

Even though they had prepared everything and they were more excited than ever,nobody came the first night,much to their disappointment. It was only then that did they realised that they had forgotten to turn the closed sign on the door. When they finally had the first night, many of the costumers were really impressed,while others just complimented on the food. Of course,the negative comments did not disappear,but Justin and Niall were too happy for their new bussiness to even care about negativity.

Two years later and their resturant had taken off rapidly fast and they soon were really well-known to a broaden part of Ireland,their hometown, and England. Justin and Niall were really successful and most of the critics for the restaurant were good and lenient.

Something was missing though.

At least for Justin,something wasn't right...at all.

Him and Niall were connected with the strongest bond. Their friendship should be a goal for everyone. The one was happy for the other's happiness and sad for their bad days. Justin,though, needed something more...intimate. Something more than... just best mates.

Three months now Justin had developed feelings that weren't in any way reciprocated. He had tried to stop every relationship Niall would try to build these months and when Niall finally snapped, the got into a huge fight. The latter wouldn't talk to the former one. Justin was driving himself crazy by not sleeping, not eating and what he did all day was to knock on Niall's front door, only receiving annoyed glances from the neighbors while Niall didn't even reach the door to open it.

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