daniel ricciardo

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warnings: I LOVE THIS MAN AND I'D DIE FOR HIM NO QUESTIONS ASKED,, daniel struggling this season is making me want to cry i want him to be successful as fast as possible

yeah i wrote that literally after the monaco gp that was a while ago

word count: 538

  *・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

everyone knew daniel as the optimistic and happy guy, being as he's always had the ability to make anyone smile with just his presence. however with the stress of wanting to do good with yet another new team was getting the best of him.

the team knew monaco weren't their strong suit, but nevertheless daniel attacked the weekend head on with a maximum amount of enthusiasm. but that energy wasn't reciprocated back to him by the circuit.

had it not been for y/n being able to attend her first grand prix of the season, he would've deemed monaco's race weekend to be one of his worst, if not his worst. if his confidence hadn't dissipated once the race began, with little to no overtaking action anywhere, it truly reduced to nothing as his own teammate lapped him. although his little wave of appreciation seemed like a sweet gesture, he so wished to be able to do the same to lando out of spite, no offense to lando of course.

his growing spite for his teammate didn't end there however. seeing the media praise f1's young future world champion, even deeming him the next lewis hamilton, was enough to rub even more salt to his already bitter wound.

nevertheless, with his lover by his side he had decided to push all ounces of bitterness and resentfulness to everything in his life at that moment to the side to occupy himself with his lover, his little reminder of home.

which led the two of them together, on a boat that had been sitting idle for an embarrassing long time. the wrinkles sewn into daniel's forehead as his frown was too stubborn to take a break and the knots that lingered on his shoulders hadn't quite gone away yet. but the more that the pair sipped their wine, daniel downing the first glass in pure desire to replace his spite with the burning sensation of alcohol, the more his annoyance towards the whole world vanished.

they stared ahead at the sun that swiftly nestled itself further into the horizon. at least y/n was as daniel was too preoccupied with the sight of her. his girl. her hair glistened lighter in the glowing light of the sun, and her skin radiated calm. her eyes helped a warmth that made the sun jealous because it could never compare to the warmth of her. the dress she picked had helped ease his anger, seeing her so effortless beautiful had been a presence he most craved during the first bit of the season without her.

in that moment, it dawned on him that he finally understood what having someone that was with him when he felt like he was tussling against the world. she was his forever.


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