lance stroll (requested)

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warnings: TW- based on suicide, i had no idea if you wanted it to be angsty or not so this is slightly depressing. I'm sorry I can't find your tags but you know who you are i think @lemurqueen

word count: 804

prompt: 'this isn't your fault, okay? I promise.'
*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

your chest tightening as your mind raced with a million thoughts. 'how could this have happened. i checked up on her last night she was okay.' you thought. your heart felt as if it was being ripped out of your chest as you choked on a sob, sliding from the wall of your bathroom to the floor.

it all started to process in your head. it didn't make sense to you still. your best friend, your other half was gone. no matter how hard you tried to keep her safe from herself you couldn't. you felt like you failed. you were disappointed in yourself.

'why couldn't I keep her happy? what did i do wrong? did she not love me enough to want to stay?' no matter how much you tried to stop from blaming yourself for something so out of your control, you couldn't help it.

it was your fault. repetitive thoughts of 'it's your fault' and 'you failed her' flooded your head and you weren't able to get it out. with shaking hands, y/n reached for her phone. dialing lance's number, she waiting for him to pick up.

"hey sweetheart, what's up? wait what's going on?" the tone of happiness in the beginning was evidently gone as concern was laced in his voice. stuttering on my words, i found myself not being able to answer. "it's alright love I'll be over in five minutes okay, hang in there. I love you." he said hurriedly as he rushed out of his house and into his car.
"i love you too." y/n said before she hung up the phone.

an endless amount of sobs later, the front door opened and closed as lance called out her name. she had tried to answer, saying she was in the bathroom but she failed; the same way she failed to save her best friend. the thought alone sent goosebumps to scatter her skin. suddenly feeling cold and claustrophobic, she hugged her knees to her chest for comfort.

after lance had traced the sound of y/n's whimpers, his feet started to move quicker as a sense of urgency rushed through his body. although he hadn't a clue of what was going on, he just wanted to keep y/n safe.

the door of the bathroom opened, yet that didn't seem to faze y/n as her focus was plastered to the tiles that ran along her bathroom floor. as soon as lance's eyes landed on her shattered frame, he rushed to her side and pulled her in towards him. rocking the both of them side to side, he let her cry her eyes out, she clutched onto the rim of his shirt as sobs racked her body. she nuzzled closer into his neck in hopes for some comfort and peace from her self destructive mind.

she couldn't believe that she had found someone that would sit with her through everything and wouldn't even think about leaving her once. y/n had tendencies to feel like a burden, especially when formula one had taken up so much of lance's time. she didn't want to worry lance in the ways that she did but she couldn't help it.

once there was quietness in the bathroom, lance finally detached her from him. holding her upright so y/n could face him. her eyes and lips were swollen and her cheeks glowed a pink tint, she looked beautiful; and as much as he wanted to repeatedly tell her just how beautiful she was, he was concerned. "do you wanna tell me what's wrong or take a bath?" lance suggested.
"bath please." y/n croaked, her voice raspy from all of the consistent crying.

running a lukewarm bath, lance gently picked her up to cradle her onto the counter. carefully removing her from me clothes, she placed her in the tub of water before repeating the process to himself until he pulled her back against his chest in the bath.

embraced in the comfortable silence created in the bathroom, y/n decided to break it. "she's gone. she isn't here anymore." he had stayed quiet, trying to figure out who y/n was talking about. it suddenly clicked in his head. he pulled her impossibly closer to him as his hand whipped the tears streaming down her face. she hadn't even realized she was crying.

turning her so she was facing him, lance whispered, "this isn't your fault, okay?"
"you promise?" y/n said.
"i promise." lance replied.

Formula One: one shots and imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon