lando norris

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warnings: not much plot to it but is majorly inspired by a tiktok trend, you'll hopefully know it once you read this

word count: 1219

  *・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

the drapes resting in front of the opened windowsill twirled as a gust of wind entered the bedroom of y/n. well technically it was the room that y/n shares with lando ever since he'd asked her to move in with him. he insisted that she wasn't a burden and that she enjoyed her warm company when he'd get back from the mclaren headquarters. although the lingering feeling of being a disruption to lando's already chaotic life was constantly peeking its way out, she never had it get in the way of anything. she stayed for lando.

living with lando had been nothing but a high. except for the constant need to clean up after him otherwise no one else would and that he likes to leave the toilet seat up. but other than that he'd been an angel. breakfast in bed, cuddles whenever she wanted some and just being able to talk to him no matter what time; because she knew that he'd wake up at any time to talk to her. he'd drop whatever he was doing to be with her. she was his number one priority, and that alone left a long lasting giddy feeling all over your body.

her train of thought subtly pulled to a halt as another gust of wind entered the window that was still opened. eyes opening slightly, she searched for her lover, seeking comfort in the warmth that radiated off of lando's body. what made moving in so worth while was being able to sleep and wake up to the gentle rhythm that was lando's heartbeat. she could always tell if he was asleep or not, even just by listening in on his breathing. his long intakes of breath were always slower when he was enchanted in his own little headspace.

as the window gaped, more of the morning wind flew inside of the vacant bedroom. a set of chills ran down her spine and she instinctively pulled the covers closer to her half naked body and reached to find her partner, looking to feel his body heat. but the bed was empty. her brows furrowed and she started to move her hands frantically on his side of the bed. it was still warm so he hasn't been up for too long.

the window opened its way wider, letting in more of the cold air into their bedroom; but that was the least of her concerns, she just wanted to know where lando was. her first instinct was to go downstairs into the kitchen, "maybe he's making me breakfast." she thought, but there was no sign of lando. although she did see that the switch of the kitchen was on, meaning lando must have made himself a cup of tea. she let out a small breath she didn't know she was holding, knowing that he was at home, hopefully.

"lando." she called from the stairs once. no response. she tried a couple more times until his voice echoed across the hall, "I'm in here love." following the sound of that voice, she finally found her way to the love of her life. in his gaming room.

there were a lot of things that y/n loved about lando. every little thing he did that he thought went unnoticed never went over y/n head. she felt it was her responsibility in keeping him safe to the best of her abilities, although lando would be more fit to protect the both of us. after being together for 2 years, they've learnt each other like the back of their hand. they were practically inseparable, insisting on going everywhere together. it had always been that way between them. no matter what they were: friends, lovers. she'd expect the standards lando set on the first couple of dates to be dropped like how her exes gave up putting in effort because they knew they had her. but he never let her down. she felt validated to look out for lando, just as the same way lando felt validated to protect her from anyone.

her footsteps carried her to the front of the door which led to the infamous gaming room that him and his twitch fans grew fond to. he considered himself a full time streamer, doing the best he could to stay on top of work and stream whenever time he was free. he's usually know when to end streams based on the time. we had an unimplied rule that he should be in bed before the sun starts to rise. he'd stream for most of the night and would usually go to bed at 4am, which wasn't ideal for y/n but she let it slide because he wasn't streaming back to back every night.

she knocked twice, waiting for the confirmation that she could come in. a minute past and she decided to do another set of knockings, this time a bit louder than the one before. she heard the gaming chair squeak as her turned to look at the door, "yeah?".
"can i come in please?" she asked quietly as she peaked through the small gap she created from opening the door. he let out a breathy "yeah" before turning back to gaming mode. she sat cross legged on the floor as she took in his messy bed hair and swollen lips plastered onto his concentrated face.

suddenly, she stood up and moved towards lando. she straddled his lap, making sure to not cover his view of his pc as she slid her legs through the gap underneath the arms of the chair. she rested her head in the crook of his neck, breathing in the smell of him. the warmth of his body radiated and she wanted to get closer to it so she snuggled even closer to him. he let out a soft chuckle as he continued to play his games, occasionally turning his head to give y/n kisses.

after a while, she started getting bored, resulting in her taking off his headphones and playing with the curls resting at the top of his head. her nails dug into the luscious curls, sometimes moving her hands to the nape of his neck and playing with the shorter hairs growing at the back. lando rested his head on top of hers, loving the way she tried limiting the amount of space between them as much as possible.

he too started to get bored of his game so he put his controller down and stood up; taking y/n with him. her arms and legs automatically wrapped around the base of his neck and his waist. he gently glided along the hallway until he reached their bedroom. laying y/n down as carefully as he could, then nestling himself on top of her. he now rested in the crook of her neck. softly leaving kisses as y/n hummed with content.

they became so engrossed with each other: the smell of the both of them were addicting and the warmth that they created for each other was comforting. moments like those were why moving in with lando was so worth while.

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