charles leclerc

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warnings: I'll be using some french but I am not fluent so it might be very off.

word count: 614

  *・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

"hello guys. today I'll be letting my girlfriend use my simulator. she has absolutely no experience and is a terrible driver." charles announced to his viewers, turning to look at you only for you to already be looking at him with a glare. he chuckled before turning his attention back to his pc screen. "well come on take a seat babe."

y/n walked over to where charles was sitting but was hesitant to get into the computer's camera frame. it took a bit of encouraging and a pull from charles to get her to move in front of the camera. he pulled her into his lap to allow her face to be in front of the lenses of the camera. "you'll be fine, I'll show you how it's done and you'll do it after okay?" charles questioned to her. she nodded not so surely. "calme toi bébé, je suis là."

charles adjusted her to sit right in between his legs. making sure he could see the screen, reach the pedals and steering wheel and have his girl be comfortable, he started driving.

they had kept their relationship private for the most part. although she was slightly nervous to embarrass herself in front of everyone but she was even more nervous about the fans. would they like her? would they accept her? were they going to hate her? she knew how harsh the fans, especially the twitter ones, were so she wanted to earn their acceptance. hopefully she could impress them with her driving, not that she was any good.

after charles finished his demonstration, the demonstration that y/n didn't pay attention to, he moved off of his chair to let y/n sit on it and get comfortable. he gave her a small pep talk before letting her start.

she got to the third lap of the five lap sprint race in spielberg, trying her best to respect the track limits and not under steer or over steer through the corners. "okay you're doing good ma chérie." charles smiled although it hardly went past her ears because she was too focused on the screen. her eyebrows furrowed and her bottom lip was latched onto by her teeth. charles took the time to admire the look of concentration plastered onto her face. his eyes glimmered with adoration, she was the definition of perfect to him so he couldn't help but stare.

a sigh of relief left y/n's lips as she finished the sprint race, releasing a long breathe that she didn't know she was holding. she looked towards charles for reassurance but his eyes were already fixed on her. her lips tugged upwards slightly before she broke him out of his daze with a short peck. "so how did I do?" she questioned, curious as to what the professional driver had to say about her questionable driving skills. "Honestly, I didn't watch towards the end." he admitted which only landed him a quick slap to his chest. he laughed out, "what? It's not my fault you're so fun to stare at." a blush planted on her face. she only laughed it off before getting out of the seat, "I'm gonna make dinner then. I'll call you when the food is ready." quickly getting up from his spot, he spun her around and pulled her closer to his chest. "I don't want to play anymore. I don't think i can beat your performance." they both laughed in unison. the amount of love they felt for each other radiated through their face.

Formula One: one shots and imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora