Epilouge; Blooming Forest

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Standing on the balcony The Onceler smiled softly to himself.

Gazing at the horizon hearing cheers of excitement from a short distance; Thena and Aspen.

Thena and Aspen Onceler were the two children of the Green-Onceler family- There were no regrets between RoseMary and Oncie.

The Onceler became a Chef.
RoseMary became an Artist again.

They weren't Rich but had enough to provide, just enough to be happy.

He noticed Thena grab Aspens hand, running. Who knows what type of adventures they'll have?

Remembering everything, he stood there; the good, the bad, the redemption. His entire life was a lesson, a story book you'd find on the dusty shelves of a library.

The happy ending for someone who originally wouldn't.

He smiled softly, proud of his corrections- before feeling someone claw to him.

"Hi RoseMary," he laughed.

"Hi Baby" she replied, kissing his cheek.

"Thena and Aspen playing again?" She looked onto the valley, grinning. "As always" The Onceler replied softly.

There was a peaceful silence as they could hear the humming birds hun their tunes.

"I wonder what adventures they'll have," RoseMary said leaning her head on Oncie's shoulder "We had a few ourselves" she carried on her sentence.

"We had lots, not the type in story books, but they were surely adventures" The Onceler replied taking RoseMary's hand.

They smiled.

"It's so funny how the world works" RoseMary said "We came Into this long chapter of our lives not knowing how things would turn up,"

The Onceler chuckled
"We found out we had each other"

RoseMary agreed. "We did, We grew up together and through thick and the thin we did it- We made it Oncie"

"We made it"

The Onceler lidded his eyes "We did it, Look at us RoseMary- We completed a chapter"

"We did Oncie"

"I am so proud of you"

That made Oncie happy, at least someone was proud of him.

"I'm so glad I got to be here with you, live and experience all of this-"

"Oncie dear, I get to spend the rest of my life with you and I couldn't ask for more- Years after being so alone-"

The Onceler hugged RoseMary tightly
"I won't let that happen again"
"I promise"

As the sun set in the distance- The lives of Rosemary Onceler and The Onceler carried on. They couldn't regret a single moment of their second chances; they grew with the tree's. Reliving the good days of the past.

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