1.4;Forces Of Nature

647 13 0

{Small talk; bonus}

The Lorax made a plan. Scare The Onceler away. He was chopping down the trees and the barb-a-loots needed them! All the forest animals needed the trees, wether it was a source of food, shade, or a nest. He and a smaller Barb-a-loot by the name of pipsqueak we're planning on scaring him away, or at least that's what the Lorax was doing pipsqueak was just there for fun and entertainment, overall he was technically a little kid almost. "hey pipsqueak pass me those branches" the fuzzy orange peanut nudged the small barb-a-loot who picked up the sticks smiling, such an innocent creature. Now what could he do with these? Possibly make it look like a monster..? That was it! The plan was all set in motion now.

The Lorax deepened his voice an started pretending to be a monster, the sticks being waved in the air by a window just across the Oncelers bed. The noise soon woke him up, frightening him just a bit. RoseMary had already been woken by it trembling at the scary figure, once The Onceler had spotted the Sharp hands of this being he was scared too. He had signaled RoseMary to run over as they both panicked in fear trying to comfort each other which didn't work, The Oncelers face started relaxing as the noises just got weirder he stood up looking back at RoseMary his expression had it written on his face; we was going to check it out.

The Lorax moved the branches in weird ways at this point he looked like he was dancing Pipsqueak laughed clapping his paws together. The Lorax stopped looking to the left of himself to find the beanpole, the fuzzy peanut threw the sticks and smiled "nice night we're having" the Onceler roles his eyes And proceeded to spray the guardian of the forest with a hose which knocked him right off the window sill, RoseMary hadn't witnessed the event as she had already fell back asleep. The Onceler entered his cottent and drifted off to sleep as well, almost falling off the bed.

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