Chapter 1

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I stared at my family, then back at my luggage. Boy was I going to miss these people. My mom looked at me with glistening eyes, my sister bit her lip trying not to show her emotions, and lastly, my father. The reason all of this was happening. Well, the biggest reason. I needed a fresh start. My life here wasn't what I wanted, or needed anymore. My scumbag of a boyfriend (now ex) cheated on me with the bitch I called my best friend, that broke me. And then my father. He doesn't even deserve the title

Knowing that if I faced them any longer I would rethink my decision, I turned to the direction of security and proceeded to pace towards it.

Queues were painfully long which didn't surprise me in the slightest, seeing as it was a Saturday. As far as I knew, schools were out on vacation, so I possibly chose the worst time to travel anywhere.

A scent of freshly brewed coffee streaking throughout the airport calmed the anxiety bubbling inside of me, when stressed out adults' voices that were attempting to contain the excitement their children, pounded my ear drums.

Oh, coffee. How my addiction to you is out of control.

Security sped through the process of checking my bags, and me, before I was free to head off to explore the airport (basically just go straight to the Cafe to drink my body weight in caffeine). Unimaginable amounts of worries managed to overcrowd my thoughts as the hot liquid passed my lips, but I tried hard to push those out of the way. In the new town I would soon call home, opportunities sprung around every corner, and my life would be completely different. That's all I wanted to think about right now.

Ever since problems began flooding into my life years ago, I never believed this day would come. The day I would get out of the prison I used to live in and discover a whole other country. I thought I would be trapped there forever, that he would never let me go. But here I was. Sat here, a 20 year old, waiting to pursue my dreams of an adventure.

"Flight 231 to London now boarding." The loud echo of the flight hostess (or so I thought) snapped me out of my deep daydream and back to reality. This was it. Goodbye America.


Edited: 01/07/17

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