Chapter 25

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I awoke to the sound of an alarm playing from the bedside table the opposite of where I'd slept. Joe's body jerked before he collected the phone and turned the annoying sound off, yawning as I turned to face him. He briefly glanced at all of my features and groaned.
"What's up?" I asked, after he'd climbed out of bed and thrown on a black t-shirt.

"Nothing," he replied, "I've got somewhere to be today." A ten pound note dropped on the side and he rushed in the bathroom to freshen up before having to leave for wherever he's off to.
"You can take however long you want, the door locks itself so, um, you should be fine. The money's for you, for an uber." I nodded in reply as I sat up crossed-legged on the bed, running a hand through my messy hair.

"Look, I know you and Harry aren't on good terms at the minute, but try to sort things out, Em. He's only here for a few days." Sighing, he threw on a coat and I watched as the door closed behind him.

I exhaled deeply and grabbed my phone to plug it into Joe's charger because I frankly couldn't be bothered to find mine from my luggage, even though I'd have to retrieve some fresh clothes for the day anyway.

I entered the bathroom holding a random sweatshirt and jeans, no effort would be going into the way I looked today. Joe said I needed to sort things with Harry, but I honestly don't know what I want to do. My feelings are all over the place, my heart is literally battling with itself, and although it kills me to say it, I'm really beginning to question my answer to this whole engagement.

The hot water from the shower soothed my body, relaxing me ever so slightly, but not enough. It was stupid really, the situation, it was only a stupid kiss which had caused all of this, maybe Harry could just forgive and forget. There was the option of blaming it on seeing all of the rumours in the news and such of him and every female celebrity, however was that really the correct way to solve this - it's not as if I could just go up to him and say "Oh yeah, I still have feelings for my ex and I don't know what to do about anything." Is it possible to love two people at the same time? Because although it makes me feel like an utter two faced bitch, I think that's the problem I have here.

But surely, Joe wouldn't want me to sort things with Harry if he loved me too, right? Maybe he was trying to move on - maybe that's what I should be doing as well. I thought I had until playlist, Harry could be right, YouTube could be the cause of all this, and it probably would be better for everyone if I just quit.

Sure, people would be disappointed, but I can't risk losing the one I love for it. That's what love does to you I suppose - you're willing to give up anything and everything for it.

I picked up my phone, not removing it from the charger, to turn it on. I had no missed calls from Harry, and only one text.

"I suppose you're somewhere safe but I'm still worried, call me when you get this."

Although he was correct, it hurt me slightly that he didn't worry enough to try to ring me himself. I pressed the call feature at the top of the screen and waited for an answer, the first few rings made me anxious, but I luckily didn't have to take much of the suspense before I was answered.

"Hey, are you alright?" He spoke.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just stayed at a friends house. Listen, I really want to sort things before you have to leave again."

"Me too, just come home, please? I would rather talk to you in person than over the phone."

"Okay, I'll be there soon. I love you."

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