Chapter 22

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This is a filler. Skip if you want, but there's a little bit of Jemma near the end ;)


"My head is literally pounding." Ellie's voice, coming from the other side of the room, only caused the ringing sound in my ears to grow ten times worse, and more annoying.

I could see in her expression just how much agony she was in. It doesn't surprise me though, after the night she had, I'm surprised she's not laid in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. Not even God knows how much drink she took last night.

The clock on my phone read 7:15am and I had to be at a meet and greet at twelve. As much as I love my viewers, this hangover was preventing me from even wanting to go to a place with a thousand screaming fangirls, and that prevented me from getting excited about it.

Ellie was set to stay in bed all day, which I didn't blame her for, but I was extremely enviable over her.

"At least you don't have to be in a room with squealing people for 3 hours." I commented, staring back at her with a blank face. She pulled the duvet up to shield her face from the sunlight creeping through the slight gap in the curtains that she most probably closed drunk.

My bare feet hit the cold floor as I swung my body around to sit upright. I ran one hand through my hair before feeling a vibration from my phone in the other.

A Twitter notification from Zoë lit my screen, saying she'd tagged me in a photo. When I'd unlocked my phone, a picture from the previous night greeted me, with the caption:
"@Zozeebo: So nice to catch up with old friends at playlist, and also to make new ones :). @EmmaFields @Joe_Sugg @EllieM"

Honestly, I looked quite dazed, but that wasn't really the thing that I noticed first.

We were all in a line, Ellie and I both sandwiching Joe. Our heads were rested on his shoulders, a sloppy smile formed upon our lips and our eyes lightly shut whilst he smiled a cheeky grin. His arms were slung across our waists, and it actually looked like a picture that would've been taken 2 years ago, when we were at our closest.

It was cute, if I'm honest, but my wide smile quickly turned into a soft laugh as I recognised Zoë in the corner, pulling the most disgusted/confused expression I'd ever seen.

My laugh faded before Ellie could question what I was looking at. She'd see it when she could bare the light from her phone anyway so me explaining it would be a waste of both of our time.

After locking my phone, I waltzed into the bathroom with a fresh set of clothes and my makeup. I showered, not bothering to wash my hair, as I actually wanted to go to the hairdressers. My makeup was - as always here in Florida - light coverage with berry-red lips.

I changed from my robe to a white lacy cropped t-shirt and off red/maroon high low skirt, before throwing my hair up in a messy bun, not really caring what it looked like.

The sun blazed once again, but I was still taken aback by the humidity (one of the worst things - in my opinion). A small salon across from the street of our hotel caught my eye, it looked busy, for 8am. Busy must mean it's a pretty good place though, right?

I strolled casually across the road before entering to see a young lady, about 18 or so, stood at the counter with a friendly and inviting look on her face.

"Hi! What can we do for you today?" She said in a cheery tone. Her badge that was clipped to the right side of her uniform told me her name was Andie. Unusual but actually suiting.
"I just really want a change." I huffed, walking over to the head wash.
"Okay, we'll get right on it! What about your hair do you want to change exactly?"
"The colour, maybe a little off the length, please?"
"That's perfectly fine." She replied, obtaining a shining smile, before the workers changed my look completely.

Everything || j.sNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ